Quiz: What’s Your Dream Travel Destination for 2018?
December 14, 2017
With 2018 approaching quickly, it's time to move on from the (arguable) dumpster-fire year that was 2017 and make good on some New Year's resolutions: Buy a planner, perfect the art of grocery shopping, and, of course, travel more.
What to pack, how to pack, and all the other nifty tips and tricks that will keep your vacay running smoothly are all figured out—but where you're actually going is another question entirely. The capital of avocado jobs and good coffee? A tropical escape to the world's least-visited country? A road trip to visit your long-distance BFF on the opposite coast?
You could think on it for hours…out or you could take this very fun and helpful quiz that will, at the very least, provide you with some direction:
If you're looking for a last-minute New Year's Eve plan, here are retreats you can still book, or visit one of these domestic (non-Hawaiian) islands.
Tags: Places to Visit
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