Your Weekly Health Horoscope: It’s Time to Embrace Your New (Post-Eclipse) Reality
Astrologer Jennifer Racioppi is here for your weekly dose of celestial wisdom—with a wellness twist. No matter what your sun sign is (or rising sign, or moon sign...), here's how you can align with the stars to make your best love, career, fitness, food, and self-care choices for the next seven days.
Monday, February 19
With the Lunar New Year and the first round of 2018 eclipses behind us, now’s the time to go after your desires in all earnest. Eclipses harken back 19 years to wrap up old chapters of life to commence new ones, kicking up dust and rearranging life in many unexpected and unplanned for ways. With the eclipses—AKA astrological wild cards—in the rearview mirror, put your feet on the ground and decide where you wish to go from here. Take action. While you may still need to adjust to post-eclipse reality (depending on how much these lunar events impacted you personally), don’t skip out on the workout, especially while the moon travels through activity-driven Aries today. Capitalize on the energy of the Aries' waxing moon; and engage in high impact, cardiovascular, activity. Then take the energy gained from your workout and apply it to your goals.
Tuesday, February 20
With five planets in spiritual Pisces, a sign that emphasizes emotional intelligence, intuitive capacities, and oneness, you may be feeling your feelings intensely today. While honing your emotional intelligence tangibly supports your success immensely, you might need to flex a boundary too, especially if you feel overwhelmed by other people's feelings. As Pisces hosts a celestial party—the sun, Mercury, Venus, Chiron, and Neptune all currently travel in the sign of the fish—things could feel emotionally intense. If so, set a boundary. To help you do so, awaken your sovereignty by engaging your core strength. A Pilates reformer or mat class, or even a strength training session may be just what the doctor ordered. Get into your body, and connect to your stamina.
Wednesday, February 21
Today boasts some of the best aspects of the month. With loving Venus and spiritual Neptune aligning at 13 degrees of Pisces, tune into your spiritual needs and commit yourself to your truth. Simultaneously, Saturn, the planet that rules foundations, makes a stabilizing angle of support to Mercury. Promises made today stick. While these aspects support career growth and creative activity, they also bode well for romance too. Not to mention the waxing crescent moon in Taurus helps to build in a deep feeling of comfort and stillness within. So light a candle and find your way to your meditation pillow or, find your way through a luscious yoga class and fully surrender into your savasana.
Thursday, February 22
With the moon continuing to travel in Taurus while "void of course" for most of the day (it moves into Gemini at 7:07 p.m. ET) let yesterdays luscious vibes continue to reverberate. "Void of course" moons, or a time when the moon won’t make any more planetary connections before switching signs, offer a period of integration. So take it. Try not to rush today and do your best to avoid multitasking. You may even want to go for a long lunch, and spend time chewing your food thoroughly while tasting each morsel. Connect with your body and breath. Nourish yourself, and eat mindfully. Slow down and taste your food.
Friday, February 23
Think back to one week ago and check in with the intentions you set. What obstacles currently prevent you from moving forward with your desire? Recommit to your wishes and continue forward despite curveballs and obstacles. When it comes to working out, lean into strength training as a way to connect with your power. Stay tenacious and committed. You’ve got this.
Saturday, February 24
Stay focused on the practical today. With the moon opposing Mars and squaring Venus, a mutable T-square might have you waking up feeling agitated and off. Instead of feeling flustered, focus on your morning routine instead. Journal your feelings, do your meditation, eat a nutrient-dense breakfast, and shift your state. Don’t have a solid morning routine? No time like the present to develop one. Think about the practices that help you feel your best and try to formulate a routine you wish to do daily. Then try it out. While the sun travels through Pisces up until the equinox on March 20, you are primed to make gains on your spiritual practices, should you prioritize such. (I encourage doing so!)
Sunday, February 25
The weekend ends with an astrologically packed day. With Mercury conjoining Neptune, and the sun making a glorious angle of support to Saturn, your vision might feel illuminated, so tap into it. Allow yourself to dream today. Spend time dreaming and visualizing your future goals. Want to take it step further? Create a vision board today. Despite the awesomeness, there are few challenges today, too. As Venus in Pisces makes a hard angle to Mars, you may need to reconcile your ambition with your need for self-care. Should you feel triggered, don't forget the power of music. Put on your favorite tunes and dance it out. Music has healing powers today!
Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women's health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success.
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