The Spiritual Theme Of the Week Ahead Is ‘Awakening’—Here’s Exactly What To Expect
For starters, on Monday, Neptune, the planet of dreams, makes a sextile to Jupiter in Capricorn. When Neptune sextiles the biggest and most expansive planet in the sky, you can quite possibly catch a wave of spiritual growth. Neptune in Pisces offers a sense of transcendence, and as he approaches this harmonious angle to Jupiter, which perfects on Monday at 12:06 p.m., ET, your intuition, emotional awareness, and ability to visualize amplifies.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini makes a square to Neptune. While a square often indicates a challenge or challenges, in this situation, it amplifies the mystical. Venus is now making her third square to Neptune, with previous squares having occurred on May 3rd and May 20th. Since this is the third in the sequence (due to her retrograde in Gemini), we can potentially experience a deep spiritual knowing akin to awakening.
Venus squaring Neptune invites in “the dream.” After months spent refining and coming to a deeper understanding of the personal values that guide your life, it’s essential to now claim the essence of what you’ve refined since early May—a perfect activity for the waxing moon. Take a moment and reflect on what you’ve learned. Pay attention to what you are releasing, and connect to the new dream emerging from within.
To tap into the essence of Jupiter’s sextile to Neptune and the planet of dreams’ square to Venus, check out Taylor Swift’s latest album, Folklore, which she “surprise” released last week, right after the sun moved into Leo. It’s lyrically, sonically, and thematically on point with these transits, serving both as a therapeutic source and artistic inspiration. Like the week ahead, it embodies a whimsical, soft but deep and true to self essence of magic. The highest calling under these transits is to animate the soul voice within, possibly even unleashing your inner artist. No matter what inspires you—Swift or not—seek art that uplifts your soul.
As you do, you might find connection to the most pure impulse within to unlock your own mystical healing—even more so, with Mercury square Mars. Mercury represents analytical and communicative capacities, and is in Cancer, which rules the moon and represents cardinal water, which connects with emotions and the ability to self-nurture.
Mercury square Mars asks you to articulate the highest expression of your soul. In doing so, sadness may arise, as you recognize what needs to change or has already changed, as well as any losses you are still reconciling.
Mars represents dynamic action and accelerates opportunities for growth. Mercury square Mars asks you to articulate the highest expression of your soul. In doing so, sadness may arise, as you recognize what needs to change or has already changed, as well as any losses you are still reconciling. Remember, grief and pain are an important part of life. They are essential and a part of any spiritual awakening. While Mars’s position on Monday and throughout the entire week ahead is antagonistic, it’s important to lean into his antagonism. Let Mars provoke your yearnings, your drive, your determination, your feelings, and, most importantly, your passion.
As the week goes on, Mercury opposes Jupiter and Pluto, bringing more unseen and/or unintegrated emotions to the surface. Should insecurities arise, trust they are leading you to make choices that advance your healing. At the same time, Mercury will trine Neptune, bringing even more mystical vibes, unlocking your access to your own healing magic. Again, art, self-expression, and tuning into the voice of your soul are essential.
Come Friday, the sun in Leo trines Chiron in Aries. This is a very special moment. The sun in Leo asks you to tune into where you are meant to shine. Chiron in Aries asks you to look at the wounding that holds you back from self-expression. This combination of Mercury opposing Jupiter and Pluto while squaring Mars (forming a cardinal square), while trining Neptune, at the time of the sun in Leo trining Chiron in Aries, is particularly potent.
It invites you to reconcile the pain that keeps you from healing. It serves as a key to leveraging your own experiences to become more compassionate, kind, and capable of assisting others on their healing journey. Ultimately though, it’s about liberation. It’s about forgiving the past, and finding new ways to be with the present moment. It’s about accessing the courage within to self-express, stay compassionate towards others, and use your pain as an access point into your power.
The theme of the week ahead is awakening. As the sun shines, and the heat encourages growth, joy, and pleasure, let yourself feel, play and create. In doing so, you may just find yourself attuned to new heights of spiritual awareness.
Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—which she uses to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. Pre-order her book, Cosmic Health (January 2021), here.
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