Sort of like a high-intensity workout, it utilizes self-massage techniques, such as knuckling, pinching, and whipping strokes, plus four products, to put your face through a warm up, cardio period, and then cool down. And as is the case with other at-home workout, there are online classes you can follow along.
Understanding that, with any new routine—fitness or otherwise—consistency is key, Theron focused on simplicity for her new skin-care range. "We can all take 5 to 10 minutes to invest in ourselves and our skin," she says. "And since you can see the results instantly, and they only get better over time, you're more motivated to do the steps and the movements that go with them."
Throughout the various stages, FaceGym Skincare: Prep, Train, Recover incorporates the following products which are all beautifully packaged (hello #shelfie?!), recyclable, refillable, and the result of three years of research and development.
Each one is intended to energize your face because Theron is a firm believer that skin care doesn't have to be sleepy. You can save those restorative masks for you nighttime routine.
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