How to Read a Natal Chart—a Comprehensive Guide to Planets, Houses, and Zodiac Signs

Photo: Getty Images / Westend61
The first time I read my natal chart, I was stumped. If you've ever been face-to-face with a screen full of unfamiliar astrological symbols and dozens of multi-colored lines, you'll understand that reading a natal chart can be overwhelming to say the least. While the general public's interest in zodiac signs is well documented via online horoscopes, avid astrology fans may be interested in understanding their connection to the stars on a higher level, which is why we asked experts how to read a natal chart like a pro. If you’re new to astrology, a birth chart—aka a natal chart—maps where the planets and other astrological data points were located the moment you were born. It’s believed that this can give remarkable insight into your personality and life experiences.

Experts In This Article

Lauren Ash—an astrologer, writer, and Senior Editor for—stresses that knowing your entire birth chart is important for those who want a deeper understanding of astrology and how it relates to them. “You can look to your planets when you’re trying to learn more about certain aspects of your personality, like how you act in love, handle stress, or fight for what you believe in," she says. "These placements add complexity and flavor to your overall personality and explain why not all Virgos (for example) are exactly the same.”

"You can look to your planets when you’re looking to learn more about certain aspects of your personality, like how you act in love, handle stress, or fight for what you believe in." —Lauren Ash, astrologer, writer, and Senior Editor for

If you’re unsure how to read a natal chart, don’t worry. Ahead, experts break down everything you need to know about how to read a natal chart, including zodiac sign elements, planets, modalities, aspects, houses, and whether your birth chart can predict your future love life.

Note: this article will focus on natal chart interpretation through a Tropical and Whole Sign House lens.

What is a birth chart?

A birth chart is a map showcasing the location of the luminaries (Sun and Moon), planets, and other astrological data points from the moment you were born. Think of it as a cosmological snapshot that paints a unique portrait of your personality and desires. A birth chart also allows those who analyze it—whether that’s you, an expert astrologer, or your BFF who’s obsessed with zodiac signs—to examine the different parts of your life, personality, and experiences that shaped who you are. This requires your birth date, the location (city/state/country) where you were born, and the exact time of birth. (If your birth time is off by even a few minutes, this can radically change your natal chart calculations, so an exact birth time is needed for the most accurate results.)

If this feels overwhelming, don’t stress. Once we break down the basic elements of a birth chart, things will start taking shape—you might even learn something new. For starters, your Sun sign isn't the most important element of your astrological birth chart. While the Sun sign can give insight into your ego and core values, the numerous other elements of your natal chart showcase all the nuances of your personality, including your emotions, your decision-making skills, your relationships, your hidden fears, and more.

How to read a natal chart

Now that you know the basics, it’s time to put them together. As you’re reading your birth chart, you will follow the pattern of house + planet + sign. An easier way to look at this is to imagine your birth chart as a play about your life: the planets are the characters, the zodiac signs are their costumes, and the houses are the stages or sets where the action occurs. For example, if Mars in Gemini is located in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you may find that writing is a creative form of self-expression for you that brings joy and excitement into your life. If this is the case, Lewis-Herbert says, “...One of the ways to motivate yourself is to write things down. [Also,] to read books to learn random new skills and information.”

As you learn how to read a natal chart, you may notice that some houses have one or more planets while others have none. If a house is “empty,” this doesn’t mean that area of life won’t be impactful or that it doesn’t matter. In this case, you will look at the zodiac sign governing that house to get an idea of the themes at play in your life. For example, if Sagittarius rules your 7th House of Partnerships, you may be drawn to partners and friends who value freedom and push you to discover and explore.

Birth chart calculator

Historically, creating a birth chart involved drawing one by hand and measuring angles and data points using an ephemeris, a large book filled with dates. Good news, though: These days, there are plenty of free online birth chart calculators that do the heavy lifting for you, like, which is aesthetically pleasing and easy to read. However, there are many free options to choose from. If you prefer a phone app, TimePassages (available for Apple and Android) is excellent at breaking down all the details of your birth chart. Now, all that's left to do is learn exactly how to read a natal chart and understand what it means for you.

What if you don’t know your birth time?

Your birth time determines your rising sign, which determines where the houses fall in your birth chart. So, if you don’t know it exactly when you were born, chances are your birth chart may not be the most accurate. If this is the case, however, all is not lost, according to Ash. “The good news is that you can find most of your planets in astrology without your birth time," she says. "However, your moon and rising signs could change drastically depending on your time of birth. So, if you’re guessing, remember that those two placements might not be correct.”

Ash recommends that if you aren’t sure about your birth time, try to estimate the time to the best of your abilities. “Start by determining whether you were born in the morning or evening, then choose a time with a round number. For example, if you know you were born early, try casting your birth chart with a birth time around 9 a.m.” Again, without a confirmed birth time, parts of your chart may not be accurate, but you can still glean some information, notably several planetary placements and their signs. “Some professionals offer a service called 'birth chart rectification,' where they can reverse engineer your birth chart," Ash adds. "By using professional techniques and speaking with you to learn about your personality, they can narrow down your birth time based on these factors.”

How do I know which planet rules my chart?

While you may be familiar with your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, your chart ruler might come across as less intuitive at first. Your chart ruler is a planetary placement that can give targeted insight into your personality. This is an essential part of learning how to read a natal chart. Maryaam Lewis-Herbert, a celebrity astrologer and the mind behind @ShawtyAstrology on X, describes it as your chart's “head cheerleader”—it tends to call the shots. "[It] leads the entire group, so the chart ruler really influences a lot about who you are as a person, your own personal life experiences that you'll have through your life, and also which planet and astrology dictate your life," she says.

Here is how to determine your chart ruler according to Ash:

  1. Find your ascendant (also known as your rising sign).
  2. Determine the planet that rules your ascendant. Example: Ash has a Leo Rising, and Leo is ruled by the Sun, so her sun sign would be her chart ruler.
  3. Identify where that planet lives within your chart, including house placements and planetary degrees.
  4. Combine this information to determine your chart ruler. Example: Because Ash has a Leo Rising, her chart ruler is her 12th House Cancer Sun.

It’s important to note that a few zodiac signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces) have two planetary rulers—a traditional and a modern ruler. Traditional astrology assigned planets before the discovery of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—modern astrology updated to assign these planets. You can look to both chart rulers if your rising falls in one of these signs. Let’s take a look at the qualities associated with each planet (and a shorthand astrology symbols guide for how they show up in a birth chart), according to experts.

The Sun

Glyph:A circle with a dot in the middle
Zodiac sign: Leo

If you’ve read your horoscope in a magazine, you likely already know your Sun sign. In astrology, the Sun is associated with the ego and is usually considered the foundation upon which your personality is built. The Sun often reflects your dominant personality traits and is the aspect of a chart you’re referring to when you tell people your “zodiac sign.”

The Moon

Glyph: Crescent moon shape
Zodiac sign: Cancer

While the Sun is often a radiant, apparent force of your identity, the Moon rules over your inner world and emotional realm. This is the part of you that others may not see immediately (until you open up to them, of course). The Moon can put into perspective why we are as emotional or reserved as we are, how we navigate our feelings, and what we need to feel secure emotionally.


Glyph: a caduceus, or “staff,” a circle with two “points” on its head resting on a cross
Zodiac sign: Gemini, Virgo

Mercury through Mars are often referred to as “personal planets,” as their orbits tend to be quicker around the Sun, making their effects more individually apparent. If anyone has ever described you as talkative or commented about how well you speak in public, you can thank Mercury! Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, technology, and travel, often reflecting how we speak and think. Mercury is a quick-moving planet (it orbits the Sun approximately every three to four weeks), so this planet usually falls into the same zodiac sign as your Sun—though, not always.


Glyph: Circle resting on a cross
Zodiac sign: Taurus, Libra

Does anyone else feel sparks flying? It’s likely because we are talking about Venus—the planet of love and beauty. Venus is linked to the types of people or things we are drawn to and how we like to give and receive affection. Love languages have nothing on your Venus placement!

An illustration of Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, suspended in outer space. This photo is being used in an article about how to read a natal chart.


Glyph: Circle with a diagonal arrow pointing out
Zodiac sign: Aries, Scorpio

Speaking of heat, Mars is the planet of action, aggression, and drive (both in regards to ambition and sexuality). Mars is associated with how you take action and get things done, and can be linked to your confidence.


Glyph: A curvy looking number 4
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces

If you’re itching to explore, Jupiter is ready to help you out. The planet of optimism, abundance, fortune, and expansion often helps us shape our idealogy and what we believe in; it also fuels a thirst for knowledge and tackling abstract ideas. Those with a strong Jupiter placement may be considered lucky or adventurous, as the planet isn’t afraid to take risks and swing big.


Glyph: A curvy lowercase h
Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Aquarius

What goes around, comes around, at least where this planet is concerned. Called the “taskmaster” of the zodiac realm, Saturn rules over discipline, responsibility, limitations, and restrictions. While this may not sound like the most *fun* planet, Saturn plays a significant role in how we take on hardships, manage difficult lessons, and our ability to work hard to achieve our goals.


Glyph: Curvy uppercase H with a circle
Zodiac sign: Aquarius

The last three planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—are referred to as “generational planets” due to their slower orbit around the Sun. These planets often remain in a sign for decades, meaning their effects can be better reflected in a generation rather than an individual. Uranus is the planet of rebellion, pushing us to look at things from a new perspective. Revolution, innovation, and breaking from tradition are all under Uranus’ rule, and we see the desire for change on a global and generational level.


Glyph: a trident
Zodiac sign: Pisces

Neptune is the planet that rules illusion; what you see isn’t always what you get. Neptune is linked to abstract thoughts, dreams, visions, and spirituality—all things that feel difficult to explain or grasp tangibly. Neptune is often seen in the glamour of Hollywood and film, creative endeavors such as poetry, music, and dance, and escapism tendencies. Neptune enjoys living in a state of delusion, for better or worse.


Glyph: a circle resting on an upward curve with a cross beneath it
Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Pluto is the planet of rebirth, transformation, and destruction. It’s the smallest planet with the biggest punch, pushing us to tear down what we know in favor of building something new and enduring. Pluto isn’t afraid to get down and dirty, and it won’t always be pretty. However, one thing is sure—things will be different.

Note for all planets: Sometimes, you will notice a little "r" symbol next to a planet in your chart. This means the planet was in retrograde at the time you were born. Despite all the fear-mongering you may hear about mercury in retrograde, a planet in retrograde isn't bad. When a planet is in retrograde, it means the planet has slowed down significantly, meaning the regular associations it holds may not be as strong or as evident in a person’s chart. Retrograde planets may involve you working harder to bring those qualities to the surface and can give insight into specific parts of your personality that feel more repressed.

What do the 12 houses of astrology represent?

Viewing your chart for the first time, you’ll notice it looks similar to a pie chart divided into 12 pieces. Each of these pieces is called a “house.” Ash explains, “Each house in astrology represents a larger theme or area of your life, such as career, love life, sense of self-identity, home life, education, and more. Each zodiac house shows which major area of life your planets and signs will impact.”

Once you have found your chart ruler (mentioned above), you’ll want to look at the zodiac sign and house it falls in to better understand its effects on your personality. The general themes associated with each house include:

  • 1st House: Self and identity—the physical body, the version of yourself others see first.
  • 2nd House: Income and values—the ways you make and spend money, your skills and talents, what you find value in.
  • 3rd House: Communication and local community—ncluding neighbors, siblings, nearby friends, short-distance travel, your hometown.
  • 4th House: Home and roots—family, the past, your mother, skeletons in the closet.
  • 5th House: Creativity and pleasure—romance, love affairs, creative pursuits, children.
  • 6th House: Habits, routines, and wellness—your organizational habits, pets, co-workers, daily tasks.
  • 7th House: Partnerships—romantic, platonic, and business partners, as well as open enemies.
  • 8th House: Intimacy and shared resources—taboo subjects such as sex, death, and transformation, bonds, and legal contracts such as wills or marriage.
  • 9th House: Travel, philosophy, higher education—religious beliefs, expansion of the mind.
  • 10th House: Career and public image—ambitions, long-term goals, how the world sees you, those in authority over you, your father.
  • 11th House: Friendships and networking—visions, ideals, social and political causes/movements you align with.
  • 12th House: Isolation and subconscious—dreams, spirituality, the unconscious, hidden things, karma.

It’s important to note that there are different types of house system analysis: the two most popular types of “house” variations you will see are Placidus and Whole Sign; ahead, we will focus on Whole Sign.

What do the zodiac signs represent?

After you've identified your ruling planet and your house sign, it's time to dive deeper into your zodiac sign and how it impacts your birth chart. Zodiac signs provide the lens through which we view the planets/houses, giving us an idea of how these parts of our personality and life shine through. Below is a quick list of general zodiac sign meanings, as well as the ruling planet linked to each one:

  • Aries: bold, impulsive, a natural leader, aggressive
  • Taurus: grounded, stubborn, an eye for beauty and aesthetic, practical
  • Gemini: communicative, witty, adaptable, flighty
  • Cancer: emotional, sensitive, nurturing
  • Leo: confident, generous, attention-seeking, radiant
  • Virgo: meticulous, detail-oriented, analytical
  • Libra: diplomatic, charming, balanced, indecisive
  • Scorpio: private, intense, determined, passionate
  • Sagittarius: adventurous, optimistic, blunt, versatile
  • Capricorn: responsible, driven, reserved, conventional
  • Aquarius: unconventional, independent, detached, logical
  • Pisces: dreamy, imaginative, unrealistic, empathetic

Is Rising the same as Ascendant?

In short, yes, Rising is the same as Ascendant in astrology. Both “Rising” and “Ascendant” are terms typically used interchangeably to refer to the zodiac sign that was “rising” on the eastern horizon at the exact moment you were born. Unlike many other parts of your chart, though, the Rising/Ascendant isn’t a planetary placement. It shows which zodiac sign rules your 1st House and which zodiac signs rule the other houses. For example, if the zodiac sign Cancer was rising the moment you were born, you would have a Cancer Rising, and Cancer would rule your 1st House. The rest of your chart would follow the order of the zodiac signs beginning with your Rising/Ascendant sign, meaning your 2nd House would be ruled by Leo, 3rd House by Virgo, and so on, in this case.

A vibrant pink-and-purple graphic of the zodiac signs inside of a horoscope circle. This photo is being used in an article about how to read a natal chart.
Photo: Getty Images / Sarayut Thaneerat

What are the four elements of the natal chart?

Every birth chart contains each element. However, the number of planets and astrological points you have in an element adds new context to how you interact with the world. For example, having multiple planets in the signs of Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, would mean air placements heavily dominate your birth chart. Some charts lean heavily toward one or two elements, while others may be pretty balanced among all four. The better you understand the elements and which are more prominent in your chart, the better you’ll understand your chart as a whole. Ahead, see which zodiac signs are associated with each element and what that might say about your personality.

Earth: Earth signs are known for being practical, down-to-earth, and seeking security. The Houses or Planets ruled by Earth signs are aspects of your personality or areas of life where you are reliable and structured and where you take root. The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Air: Air signs are clever, sociable, and intellectual. The Houses or Planets ruled by Air signs are aspects of your personality or areas of life where you may be more concerned about the collective than yourself, where you are more social and more witty or outgoing than usual. The Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Fire: Fire signs are active, spontaneous, and passionate. The Houses or Planets ruled by fire signs are parts of your personality or areas of life where you may be more adventurous, take bigger risks, and be more confident. The Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Water: Water signs are sensitive, intense, and caring. The Houses or Planets ruled by Water signs are parts of your personality or areas of life where you may be more intuitive, take things more personally, and feel things deeply. The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

What are the three modalities of the natal chart?

In the same way zodiac signs are associated with different elements depending on each sign's traits, modalities group zodiac signs together based on the types of energy they hold. There are three modalities: cardinal, mutable, and fixed, with four zodiac signs in each category. Modalities often show us how certain signs in our chart move through life, and knowing your planets' modality can assist you in better understanding your chart and yourself.

Cardinal: Cardinal signs are innovative and big initiators. They are often natural leaders and aren’t afraid to get things started. These signs can often unite a group around a cause and start the process of achieving a goal—though they may struggle to keep things moving if things don’t go according to plan. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

Mutable: Mutable signs are flexible and adaptable. These signs are known to think on their feet and do well with rolling with the punches. They may not always have a determined path, but they will keep moving. Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

Fixed: Fixed signs are rooted and determined. These signs are often set in their ways, but they are reliable and steadfast in their beliefs. They may not always adjust well to change but can see things through. Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

What is the strongest aspect in a birth chart?

Just when you thought we were done—it’s time to talk about aspects in astrology, which are also key when it comes to learning how to read a natal chart. When looking at the larger picture of your birth chart, you may notice dozens of multi-colored lines connecting certain planets and forming specific angles. These angles are called “aspects,” and they represent how the planets of your chart interact. It can be helpful to think of these aspects as “conversations” between the planets.

Which aspect should you pay the most attention to? Lewis-Herbert says conjunctions are always the first thing she looks for. “Conjunctions are really important because it's when two planets…are basically working together in unison," she says. "Think about a conjunction as two planets working on a school project together.” Conjunctions in astrology occur when two planets are within a few degrees of each other (less than 10). The closer in degrees, the stronger the conjunction.

Conjunctions aren’t the only aspects you’ll see in your chart. While there are many, these are the four main types to be aware of as you're learning how to read a natal chart.

  • Sextile (When planets are 60 degrees apart): Sextiles are often seen as supportive and friendly between the planets, as the elements are compatible and can uplift each other.
  • Square (When planets are 90 degrees apart): This aspect can be tense, and planets may desire a similar goal but have a different way of approaching the matter. Squares can foster growth as they push for the planets to find a solution, usually through hard work.
  • Trine (When planets are 120 degrees apart): Like sextiles, trines are positive relationships between the planets that are often harmonious and supportive, as the planets tend to have a familiar understanding of each other.
  • Opposition (When planets are 180 degrees apart): This aspect creates a tug-of-war feeling where two signs are on opposite sides. These planets are often trying to strike a balance with each other.

The aspects show the unique relationships between the planets in your chart, allowing you to see how they work together or, at times, struggle with each other.

Can a natal chart predict the future?

Due to the spiritual nature linked to astrology, it’s not uncommon for people to ask if your birth chart can predict the future. According to Lewis-Herbert, a natal chart can predict the future—with some nuance. “There are no guarantees—but there are patterns. Astrology is a system of setting patterns and correlations," she says. That said, if you’re wondering how often you should read your birth chart, there is no specific number, but getting more familiar with your birth chart can’t hurt. Especially as you learn more about how to read planetary positions and understand other dynamics in a chart, reading your chart repeatedly can allow you to see things you missed the first time. The more you read your chart, the better your grasp of what it means.

How to predict your love life from a birth chart

Speaking of the future, can learning how to read a natal chart help you predict your love life? “Oh, my goodness, absolutely,” says Lewis-Herbert. “You can use astrology to predict what kind of partner you might have…or even your children.” Lewis-Herbert is specifically referring to looking at your 7th House of Partnerships to get an idea of what type(s) of partner you may be drawn to. Planets in this house can also be telling; Venus in this house could indicate that a person thrives being in partnerships, whereas Saturn may show limitations or delays in finding a partner. Nothing exists in a vacuum, however, and looking at which signs rule this house as well as any relevant planetary aspects can also be telling.

While you can pick up on key information about your love life from your natal chart, there are also different types of astrology readings you can get from trained astrologers. This can include love-centered readings, astrocartography readings—which pinpoint significant locations that activate your chart, including ones that activate the love and relationships sectors—and other readings that can help you pinpoint the specifics you're intrigued about in your life.

If all of this feels overwhelming to you, it’s more than understandable! Learning how to read a natal chart can be a lot to take in all at once. Reaching out to an astrologer who knows how to read a natal chart can help you make sense of all the moving pieces. It’s also important to remember that the art of birth chart interpretation is a skill set that can be perfected over time if you’re willing to study and learn. The more you practice, the easier it will become!

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