How a Nutritionist Keeps Her Kitchen Stocked at All Times—While Reducing Her Food Waste
Have you ever started to unload your weekly grocery haul only to realize that you probably overdid it—considering you ended up with way more bags of food than spaces to put it away?
Rather than shortening your list of favorite foods, there are other ways to keep your pantry, fridge, and stomach full without ultimately tossing half your haul. Alexandra Dawson, nutritionist and mom of two, found the sweet spot between fueling her family with homemade, healthy food and reducing waste.
"My husband, Andrew, and I are very committed to reducing our food waste, so we actually go shopping a few times a week and stock with what we need," Dawson says.
To put her tip into practice, try taking inventory of your refrigerator and pantry situation every time you cook dinner, and setting aside small pockets of time to go to the store when you're low on specific ingredients—rather than dedicating hours to a large, once-a-week haul.
In addition to shopping more thoughtfully, be sure to always stock up on the things you know you'll use. For Dawson that means snacks and smoothie-bowl toppings like chia seeds, hemp seeds, and JUSTIN'S® Maple Almond Butter Squeeze Packs. "We always keep JUSTIN’S® Squeeze Packs handy," Dawson says. "We bring them on all of our hikes, and they’re really good for day-to-day." It's official: Stocking up on your faves is always a good idea.
Watch the video above for more tips on how to reduce food waste while still loading up on your go-to eats.
In partnership with the makers of JUSTIN'S® nut butters
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