The Stars Are Aligning to Make You Feel All the Feels This Week
Welcome to Cosmic Health, your day-by-day source of celestial advice with a wellness twist. For the week of December 4–10, astrologer Jennifer Racioppi is here to offer healthy-living guidance on what the stars have in store for everyone—no matter what your sun sign is—with advice on food, fitness, sleep, sex, and more.
Monday, December 4
With the year-end quickly approaching, you want to succinctly tidy up unfinished business before diving head-first into your next chapter. Mercury (the planet that rules communication), now retrograde, asks you to pay close attention to the details and tend to the mundane. Get clear on your goals for the week and don't brush the details under the rug. Double check your schedule for the week to make sure you feel prepared for what's on deck. If you are traveling, buffer your schedule with plenty of time to arrive at your destination. Preemptively identify questions in advance and make sure you have all of the information you need in advance to navigate your week successfully.
Tuesday, December 5
With the moon in Cancer and Chiron, the wounded healer, stationing direct today, don’t be afraid to feel the feels. Chiron ushers you through the wound and into an elevated place of integrated wisdom. While his lessons might not seem welcomed at first, when embraced, they become profound teachings. So pay attention to what's requiring healing in your life. If difficult emotions rise to the surface, let them. Give them space to be without making them wrong or scary. Then get curious. What’s emerging from the pain? Embrace healing.
Wednesday, December 6
Mercury in retrograde motion meets up with great disciplinarian of the zodiac, Saturn; meaning, yesterday’s healing vibes continue today. While the holiday season is in full roar, today's not the day to throw back a few cocktails after work or numb out with sugar either. Instead, embrace sobriety. Stay clear-headed and aware. As 2017 closes out, Saturn shifts signs, and the current Mercury retrograde journey asks you to integrate lessons gained over the last 2.5 years. NBD, right?! With Mercury and Saturn meeting up at the same degree, those experiences (and lessons) crystallize now. You don’t want to miss the point. So, stay open, aware, and available to the messages and lessons emerging.
Thursday, December 7
With the moon in playful Leo all day today, the heavy mood that defined the earlier portion of the week begins to shift into a more optimistic, and light vibe. So be sure to make time today for some fun. Listen to upbeat music and embrace a workout that helps you to feel energized. Prioritize movement, sweat, and smiles—it’ll assist you to purge that which you no longer need metaphysically, too. Ask yourself this: What am I grateful for? Consciously savor the good in your life.
Friday, December 8
Journaling proves fruitful now—especially with Mercury retrograde. So, take time to process your week. Ask yourself, this; what have I learned this week? What are my goals for the weekend? What am I being guided towards right now? If you need to, call a friend and talk it out do so and lean on your support system. Remember, we are all in this together.
Saturday, December 9
Amidst the holiday hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget wellness goals. However, with Mars moving into Scorpio today, now’s the time to prioritize your ambition when it comes to how you want to feel in your body (and life). Take time for a high impact workout. Sweat out the stress. Allow exercise to facilitate the development of your grit and resilience. Embrace determination. Don't give up on your goals.
Sunday, December 10
With the waning quarter moon occurring in Virgo today, and Mercury continuing his retrograde motion—consider what you need to release in your life. Ask yourself this, if life went as well as it possibly could, what would it look like? Then follow up that questions by asking yourself what’s blocking you from actualizing that goal. Once you reach clarity on what you want, and what’s holding you back from having it, decide what you are willing to change. Retrograde Mercury makes a luscious angle to Uranus (who rules breakthrough), so you have massive potential to bust through blocks today. Commit to releasing blocks.
Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women's health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success.
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