Move Over, Happy Hour: There’s a New Peak Time for Finding Love Connections
When dating site Zoosk examined data from its 40 million members, researchers identified some interesting dating trends of 2017, like guacamole helping you land you a date and the stark lack of stigma against your tofu-loving ways. More surprisingly, they found that daters are really into getting lunch. (Maybe it's because fast-casual options are getting healthier by the day?)
Messages that mentioned lunch got 25 percent more responses than average. Plus, those who mentioned "coffee" got 32 percent fewer responses and "dinner" yielded 13 percent fewer.
According to the data, messages that mentioned the midday meal got 25 percent more responses than average. Plus, those who mentioned "coffee" got 32 percent fewer responses, and "dinner" yielded 13 percent fewer. "Drinks," less egregiously, only lowered responses by 3 percent on average—but still!
But, let's chalk up this to some good news: If the afternoon rendezvous goes well, you have so many extra hours to enjoy each other's company, and if it's horrible, excuses abound for getting the heck out of dodge (and with plenty of time left to imbue your day with good vibes, no less).
Maybe just reserve trendy late-night supper dates for further into your relationship?
It turns out feeling loved might be a product of "the little things." Or, check out these products any boyfriend would obsess over.
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