My Favorite Green Juice Recipe: Drew Canole of Fitlife.Tv

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Lean and Green juice

Four years ago, Drew Canole found himself working in finance, out of shape, overweight, and lethargic. After deciding he had to make a change, he poured himself into researching healthy living tips, and was led to juicing.

"I lost about 40 pounds and gained tons of energy," Canole explains. "I was posting about it on YouTube and Facebook, and then kind of amassed this following." Now, his site,, provides wellness content—from smoothie recipe videos to gut health information—to over 1.6 million followers.

He wanted to bring the benefits of juicing to the masses, so Canole developed Organifi Green Juice Superfood Mix, a powder packed with drew-canolechlorella (an algae full of protein), spirulinamatchaturmeric, and ashwagandha (an Ayurvedic herb with rejuvenating properties).

The mix is based on his favorite green juice recipe, which he shared with us here. Feel free to use it in place of—or, okay, in addition to—your morning coffee for an energy boost.  —Amy Marturana

The Lean and Green

Bunch dandelion greens
4 spears asparagus or 4 celery stalks
1 lemon
1-2 inch knob ginger
Handful spinach, collard greens, or romaine
​1/2 green apple​
​1 cucumber
1 inch knob turmeric (optional)

Put all ingredients through juicer, and enjoy!

For more information, visit and


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