The Wellness Story Behind Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2016

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Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 3.45.56 PMPantone usually sets trends when it announces its color the year (which explains why you'll suddenly see the same hue showing up in all of your go-to stores). But this year, it's the other way around.

This week the color authority announced its picks for 2016, and not only did Pantone break with tradition to select not one, but two shades—Rose Quartz (a cloudy light pink) and Serenity (a baby blue)—but the company also indicated that these picks reflect the shift towards wellness they've been seeing in the world (ahem, same here).

"As consumers seek mindfulness and well-being as an antidote to modern day stresses, welcoming colors that psychologically fulfill our yearning for reassurance and security are becoming more prominent," the company explained in their announcement this week, adding that it's "a symbolic color selection; a color snapshot of what we see taking place in our culture that serves as an expression of a mood and an attitude."

While the hues will inevitably take over racks come the new year, there's a way to incorporate Rose Quartz right now, in a very wellness-minded way. It is also a gemstone, after all.

"Rose quartz is one of the most powerful stones for activating a heart-healing experience," Gemstone Organics co-owner Sara Clement says. "Its beautiful and brilliant pink tones bathe us in the energies of forgiveness, acceptance, and tranquility."

To get the most out of your Pantone-inspired crystal, the team behind Los Angeles' Spellbound Sky recommend that you keep your rose quartz near you, like in your pocket or handbag, or—even better—hold them or place them on your body during meditation (or a nap).

That's one reason to wear light pink if we've ever heard one. Click for three ways to wear rose quartz. —Jamie McKillop


Rose_Quartz_Gemstone_Organic_grandeGemstone Organic Rose Quartz Créme ($37)


Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 4.57.48 PMSpellbound Sky Rose Quartz (Price on request)


541_look380_1_topPhat Buddha Varick Tank ($57)

New to crystals? Here's your guide to the very pretty, very powerful healing stones.


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