The Winter Skin-Care Hacks Necessary for Glowing Through Tundra-Like Weather
Luckily, holistic esthetician Shani Hillian came through with the goods at our latest Wellness Collective event with Athleta, sharing some much-needed (and appreciated!) seasonal advice so you can proudly take close-up selfies of your face year-round.
One of the biggest misconceptions is that you shouldn't exfoliate in winter—which is flat out not true, says Hillian. "A lot of people think they have dry skin, but it's just dead," she says. "It's a matter of what you're doing and how you're doing it." In other words, be gentler with your method so you don't irritate delicate spots—but still buff so you're getting rid of the dead stuff.
Next, keep a moisturizer close at all times so you can lock in hydration all day and night. If you're not sure what to look for, Hillian recommends oils low on the comedogenic scale (ones that won't clog your pores), with hemp seed oil being her ultimate fave.
To add even more hydration to your life, try adding humidifiers to your bedroom, living room, or anywhere else you spend a lot of time. Lastly, if you use retinol, Hillian suggests decreasing the amount you slather it on to two times a week (instead of everyday application) to better suit your skin during the dry, cooler temps.
By incorporating some of these tips for winter skin care into your routine, winter will have nothing on your dewy complexion—now that you, well, tricked it into not even knowing what month it is.
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