The Tasty Turmeric Milkshake Recipe for a Head-to-Toe Boost

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turmeric-milkshake-localiYou’ve tried turmeric in everything from tonics to zoodles; now, the it-spice is making its way onto the dessert menu.

At Locali—a “conscious convenience” shop and healthy deli with two locations in Los Angeles—a new vegan milkshake called The Mystic counts the powerful adaptogen [AKA an ingredient that helps the body adapt to and manage stress in a healthy way] as the star of the show.  It's featured alongside a cast of superfoods that are equally adept at fighting inflammation (read here about why you really want that in an ingredient!).

Locali Turmeric Smoothie 2“Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, and research backs up its innumerable health benefits—it’s anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial,” says Melissa Rosen, Locali’s CEO who is also a certified holistic health counselor.

“I added the black pepper and organic olive oil because they increase the bio-availability of the turmeric [meaning they help your body absorb and make use of the turmeric], plus they're great for hair and skin and loaded with antioxidants.”

The shake is topped off with cinnamon and ginger (both of which are also, you guessed it, anti-inflammatory) along with pineapple (which is great for digestion) and non-dairy coconut "ice cream," (good for you fatty acids!), and a probiotic shot.

The end result is smooth and comforting, but with a noticeably spicy kick—check out the adapted recipe below, and prepare your blender for a busy winter. —Erin Magner

Locali’s The Mystic "Milkshake"

Makes 1-2 servings

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
2/3 cup hemp or coconut milk
1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1 cup coconut ice cream (Note from Rosen: “Naked Coconut from Luna & Larry's works great in this recipe.”)
1 shot vegan Bio-K (optional for an added probiotic boost)

Combine olive oil, turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, and milk in a blender. If using a high-speed blender, blend mixture until warm. Add pineapple and ice cream and continue to blend until smooth.

Locali, 5825 Franklin Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90028, 323-466-1360; 701 Lincoln Blvd., Venice, CA, 90291, 310-399-2254;


More Reading
5 tricks for making a perfect smoothie, every single time
Cheat Sheet: Turmeric’s amazing health benefits and easy recipes
3 recipes from a detox guru to help you sip your way through winter


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