There’s so much advice floating out there about how to care for yourself that the act of making sure you’re physically and mentally running smoothly can feel, well, overwhelming. Doing some introspection and learning about yourself can help you understand what kinds of wellness-boosting habits and rituals, specifically, might have the biggest supportive impact for you. A good starting point for that? Exploring your personal astrology, specifically, your 6th house in astrology.
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astrologer and founder of Jupiter Jewel
astrologer, psychic medium, and spiritual advisor
transformational astrologer
Los Angeles-based astrologer and founder of BizmosCEO
If you’re familiar with astrology, chances are, you know your sun sign or the placement of the sun at the time you were born, which is likely the zodiac sign for which you’d read a horoscope and encompasses the broadest strokes of your identity. But your birth chart doesn’t just show the signs of the sun, the moon, and the planets at the time you were born; it’s also divided into 12 astrological houses, which correspond to different realms of life, like career, family, and health—which is ruled by (you guessed it) the 6th house in astrology.
Learning the sign placement of each of these houses in your chart (and which planet(s) they each contain, if any) can reveal how you’ll experience and approach their associated realms of life. By diving into the placement of your 6th house, specifically, you can learn how you’re destined to approach health, wellness, and daily rituals and optimize your routine for your temperament.
What is the 6th house in astrology?
The 6th house informs your approach to and perceptions of physical health; it is the area of your birth chart concerned with the routines, habits, and rituals that dictate your well-being and thus “holds a powerful placement in your chart for healing,” says astrologer Corina Crysler.
But it’s not simply about, say, how you prefer to work movement into your day or your relationship with sleep (although these certainly fall within its purview). “[The 6th house] relates to living and existing, our quality of life, and the things we have a responsibility to do, whether that’s showing up to work every day, running errands to maintain the flow and structure of our lives, or tending to our health and well-being by attending doctor’s appointments,” says astrologer Alexandria Lettman, founder of spiritual wellness platform Jupiter Jewel. Crysler adds that you might see the 6th house mentioned alongside the 10th house in astrology, which rules over work and career because it includes your philosophy around getting things done.
“[The 6th house] relates to living and existing, our quality of life, and the things we have a responsibility to do.”—Alexandria Lettman, astrologer
Knowing your 6th house placement (aka the zodiac sign in which your 6th house falls in your birth chart) can help you figure out how you can best maintain habits and routines that support your health. By the same token, you can also use the sign of this house to identify certain patterns or behaviors that may not serve you and how you may need to work to avoid them.
“When we look to the 6th house, we can gain some insight into what our healing journey might involve, and if it also includes helping others in a similar way,” says Crysler, who adds that this house may hold intel about past life energy and karma that can impact your current existence. Its association with service, nurturing, and healing may point to ways in which you’ve supported others (in addition to yourself) in past lifetimes or ways that you’d benefit from caring for others in this lifetime.
“When we look to the 6th house, we can gain some insight into what our healing journey might involve, and if it also includes helping others in a similar way.”—Corina Crysler, astrologer
What are the 12 houses in astrology?
Each person’s birth chart is divided into 12 segments, or houses, each of which rules a specific area of life and overlaps with a particular zodiac sign (which discerns how you’ll experience that realm of life). Keeping in the theme of the daily rituals, health, and wellness, if someone has Aries stationed in the 6th house, they’ll likely exhibit strong traits of the fire sign. For example, they might have an eagerness to incorporate new habits into their daily routine or seize new workouts as Aries is the sign of impulsivity and action.
Because all of the planets in your chart are spread across the houses—but not evenly so—there may be one, multiple, or zero planets in any given house, which can also influence how you’ll experience its associated realm of life (more on this below).
Plus, each of the 12 houses is also ruled by a particular planet and sign, so understanding the archetypal links between certain signs, planets, and houses can help you better conceive their expression in your chart. (You’ll note that because there are more houses than planets, certain planets rule over multiple houses.)
Learn more about each of the houses in astrology, what realm they rule, and the zodiac signs that rule them, outlined below:
- 1st house: self-image, perception, and sense of self; Aries and Mars
- 2nd house: personal resources, talents, and values; Taurus and Venus
- 3rd house: communication and information; Gemini and Mercury
- 4th house: home, family, lineage, and foundations; Cancer and the moon
- 5th house: pleasure, creativity, and self-expression; Leo and the sun
- 6th house: health, habits, and routines; Virgo and Mercury
- 7th house: relationships and partnerships; Libra and Venus
- 8th house: regeneration, transformation, sex, and karma; Scorpio and Pluto
- 9th house: higher learning, long-distance travel, and wisdom; Sagittarius and Jupiter
- 10th house: career, reputation, and public persona; Capricorn and Saturn
- 11th house: friendship and community; Aquarius and Uranus
- 12th house: the subconscious mind, including dreams and intuition; Pisces and Neptune
How to find your 6th house placement
While, again, each house has an associated sign and planetary ruler, the sign connected to each house in your birth chart will depend on when you were born. To figure out the sign placement of your 6th house, enter your birth date, and time, then place it into this free natal chart generator. Then, look to the sidebar on the right of your chart to see which sign rules your 6th house.
When looking at your birth chart, pay attention to any planets you might spot in your 6th house, too, because these celestial bodies can also lend their influence to the way you approach 6th house realms, like health and wellness. For example, if taskmaster Saturn is located in your 6th house, you might go about your everyday routines with a certain level of Saturnian pragmatism and discipline—which is important to consider along with the characteristics of the house’s sign placement.
For a more in-depth analysis of how the planets behave in the 6th house, keep reading.
What do the planets mean in the 6th house?
When you dive into the details of your birth chart, you may notice that you don’t just have a zodiac sign ruling it, but that there are planets that are influencing your professional area. By understanding the kind of planetary energies that are present, you can discern attitudes and tendencies that can help you better know the challenges and strengths at play.
While dissecting your chart, you might notice empty houses, or houses that don’t have any planets stationed in them. Before you freak out, it just means that there aren’t any planets influencing or supercharging this area of life, not that your health is something to be concerned about.
Below, astrologer Ryan Marquardt outlines what it means when the planets are stationed in the 6th house.
Sun (the planet of ego):
The sun represents your core self and how you shine. When it’s stationed in the 6th house, Marquardt explains that it can lend a sense of integrity and responsibility in terms of your health and wellness. “Your vitality and ability to take ownership over your daily life,” he explains.
Moon (the planet of emotions)
Ruling over emotions and personal life, the moon in the 6th house can emphasize a need for emotional support and awareness. “Emotional well-being and how your habits contribute to your overall health,” explains Marquardt. People with this placement may be emotionally attached to their rituals or need stability in this arena in order to thrive.
Mercury (the planet of communication)
Mercurial Mercury deals with how we express ourselves vocally. As Marquardt puts it, this placement shows “How your analytical mind impacts your daily communication and routine tasks.” This person may be able to communicate their needs or are have a practical mindset in terms of improving their health and wellness.
Venus (the planet of romance and beauty)
Venus rules relationships, and Marquardt explains this planet in the 6th house discerns “Your ability to relate with colleagues and anyone you routinely see, like the barista at your local coffee shop.” Someone with this placement could benefit from having routines that are shared socially rather than independently.
Mars (the planet of aggression)
When Mars is stationed in the 6th house, it can discern someone who takes control of their health and wellness. “Mars relates to your consistency in energy levels, your ability to put your best foot forward every day, and your drive to be an assertive person in everyday life,” says Marquardt.
Jupiter (the planet of abundance)
Jupiter is all about optimism and knowledge, so if someone has this planet in the 6th house, it can mean that they’re always working to learn and understand how to better their day-to-day. “Mentorship can become a strong theme with Jupiter here,” says Marquardt. “It also indicates someone who has a glass-half-full approach to life.”
Saturn (the planet of responsibility)
Since Saturn is about duty, it can influence someone to be extra intentional and responsible when it comes to their day-to-day in the 6th house. They might adhere to a strict schedule or are good at hitting the mark in meeting their needs. “Saturn indicates how disciplined and structured you are with your self-care, as well as how you respond to the people and rules that govern your daily life,” explains Marquardt.
Uranus (the planet of radical change)
There’s nothing average about the planet Uranus, and when it’s stationed in the 6th house, it can mean someone has an unconventional daily ritual. “Uranus in the 6th house is about having an unorthodox approach to how you live our your daily life,” Marquardt explains. They might prefer ice baths over regular showers, for example.
Neptune (planet of imagination)
Neptune is the planet of delusions and the subconscious. When Neptune is in the 6th house, there tends to be an amplification of psychological assistance in terms of well-being. “Neptune brings a sensitivity to the 6th house that often shows up through selfless acts of service,” says Marquardt.
Pluto (planet of transformation)
When Pluto, the planet of rebirth and power, is in the 6th house, there could be power struggles, internal or external, when it comes to remaining resilient in your well-being. “Pluto can show your ability to transform mundane experiences into powerful learning lessons or sources of inspiration,” Marquardt says.
What planet is strong in the 6th house?
Because of the energetic vibes of each planet, they all behave differently when it’s stationed in the 6th house. That said, some planets are more comfortable in the 6th house than others. When it comes to the 6th house, Marquardt explains that it’s where Mars (the planet of action and impulses) finds its joy.
Mars is all about passion and how we assert ourselves, meaning it can be particularly influential in this house. It could mean that you’re especially energetic and ready to take on the challenges of your day-to-day—not to mention find courage in trying new things. “If you have Mars in the 6th house, you tend to be someone who is more willing to step up and take on challenges,” says Marquardt. “It indicates someone who is hardworking, independent, and always full of energy to accomplish their daily to-do list.”
Astrologer Angel Dawn adds that Mercury, the planet that relates to our thought processes and communication style, is also an auspicious planet when it’s in the 6th house because it implies that daily priorities and health awareness stay at the top of the individual’s mind. “There will likely be a persistent focus on improving productivity, efficiency, and one’s health,” explains Dawn. “This can also mean one who relies on their intellect and communicative skills within their daily employment.”
How to use your 6th house placement to boost your health and well-being
Aries in the 6th house

Aries in the 6th house is focused on physical energy, thanks to the sign’s rulership by intense Mars (which is known as the planetary placement to consider for your best fitness routine). Dawn suggests a vigorous exercise regimen, competitive sports, and martial arts to up the ante for those with this placement. “Movement on all levels is important to this placement,” adds Crysler. “Fitness and athletics will be strong with this 6th house, but just be sure to slow down when needed.”
Taurus in the 6th house

You’re a hard worker who sometimes lets financial risks get in the way of forward personal progress. To replenish your energy, ground yourself in nature. “Channel the wisdom you hold by connecting to nature and the elements,” says Crysler. You could also, as Dawn suggests, “Design an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable workspace or home office,” to improve your daily routine.
Taurus is also deeply connected to beauty and sensuality, so with your sixth house in Taurus, you’ll want to find ways to work these into your daily routine, along with cuddling and naps. You work hard, so set up routines that’ll support this without compromising how you feel when you’re off the clock. “Creating a value system will be beneficial for your wellness, not only for your health routine but also in your work environment,” says Crysler. “Learn to let go, and it will relieve stress that you hold in your body.”
Gemini in the 6th house

A placement of Gemini in the 6th house is prone to a quick, racing mind. To stop a constant cycle of rumination, “find a ‘container’ to process all the information you hold, like writing or speaking,” says Crysler. A few ways to do that? Tap into the benefits of phone calls and make journaling a regular part of your routine. “Connecting to others is important, so working from home for long periods of time may be a bit hard for you,” adds Crysler. “Be mindful of worrying about things you can’t control.”
On the days when your social battery is running low, though, Dawn explains, “Read a book for self-improvement, pleasure or knowledge.”
Cancer in the 6th house

Cancer in the 6th house can signify nurturing qualities that make for great caregiving. You may need to learn how to lead with your intuition and emotions, but you will also need a work environment that is comforting and safe to avoid being shy or insecure; finding a supportive community will be especially important. One way to do that, suggests Dawn, is implementing playtime and bonding with animal companions or consider work-from-home arrangements to satisfy your homebody needs.
“Be mindful of how your emotions can take over your well-being, and move away from wallowing in negative thought patterns,” says Crysler. “Any practices that connect you to your subconscious will be highly beneficial, like aligning your self-care with the phases of the moon.”
Leo in the 6th house

Leo energy loves to play, so you will need to approach life “with lightheartedness and have fun with whatever you do,” says Crysler. Leo in the 6th house can lend you a unique kind of resiliency—but beware of pushing your limits and overexerting. Since Leo is an artist at heart, Dawn says that keeping a creative notebook or sketchbook can help you boost your daily rituals, too.
If you’re feeling depleted, a good project for you would be volunteering with children, which Crysler says is a Leo 6th-house strength. Maybe you can teach your niece or nephew guitar over Zoom, or find an after-school arts and crafts program where you can help kids embrace their creativity. “Lead from the heart in creative ways, and you will find joy and pleasure,” she says.
Virgo in the 6th house

Virgo feels natural in the 6th house in astrology, which it rules over. This placement emphasizes healing energy, so give yourself a break and commit to practices that allow you to be present and self-compassionate. That’s especially important given that you may be plagued by Virgoan perfectionism and overthinking, which can tip into self-criticism; you’ll want to work to rein this in. “Remember that things do not have to look perfect to put your abilities out there for people to see,” says Chrysler. “Mindset is important for your healing journey, which is why you may also benefit from creating a daily practice of mindfulness and gratitude.”
Grounded as they are, it’s not without the help of being rooted in nature—literally. With Virgo in the 6th house, horticulture and home gardening, or simply drinking superfoods, are good ways of boosting your daily regimen.
Libra in the 6th house

“Libras like to mediate and typically like to work in counseling or otherwise help others find justice,” says Crysler. That especially applies if you have Libra in your 6th house. “Be mindful, however, of how people may drain your energy when you give them more attention than you do yourself.” It’s important for you toset boundaries around your free time and within certain relationships to protect your peace. If you’re looking for a tangible way of bringing the peace, you can do so by adding aromatherapy or home spa retreats, says Dawn.
In terms of movement, you may also enjoy more leisurely activities. “Libra likes energy to flow, so yoga and long walks that allow you to take in the beauty of things will be helpful [to your wellness routine],” says Crysler. Want to pick up the pace? Dawn suggests barre or artistic dancing.
Scorpio in the 6th house

Typically considered the most sexual and sensual sign of the zodiac, Scorpio in the 6th house is a placement that calls for a daily pleasure practice, says Crysler. “This will allow you to release emotions and establish a positive connection with yourself.” Dawn explains that practicing breathwork and shadow work (facing your lesser-loved parts of yourself) can be a good way of confronting your downsides—it can also improve your self-esteem!
At the same time, be mindful of balance, and make time to enjoy the simple, frivolous parts of life; not everything has to be so deep, emotional, and serious, adds Crysler.
Sagittarius in the 6th house

Sagittarius in the 6th house applies all the adventurous spirit of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius to the realm of health and wellness. “Sagittarius in the 6th house needs freedom and flexibility in figuring out what works best for them,” says Crysler. “Following someone else’s plan will not work for this placement.” This might mean creating an independent work schedule that allows you to be flexible with your time and plans, or changing up your exercise routine depending on your mood in a given month or week.
If you’re looking to go deeper, as Sagittarius placements so gracefully do, Dawn says you could lean on daily religious or spiritual practice to keep in touch with your spiritual side.
Capricorn in the 6th house

Capricorn in the 6th house could mean you thrive as a leader in some part of the wellness industry (given that Capricorn is associated with work and career), but at the same time, you might be a little out of touch with your own needs and emotions. Dawn says strength training through weight-bearing resistance can be a great way to let off steam after a long day at work.
You have no problem creating and following a wellness routine; just be sure it’s not so rigid that you wind up paradoxically neglecting things like rest and self-care. “Remember that your well-being goes beyond any kind of physical results,” says Crysler.
Aquarius in the 6th house

Aquarius in the 6th house may find themselves constantly wanting to be of service to others and eager to believe in the good of humanity. It might be to your benefit, then, to set hard limits on news consumption, so you don’t wind up doom-scrolling into oblivion. You might even enact a digital curfew so you can find a balance between being informed and getting overwhelmed with information. Replace that with innovative health apps, says Dawn, that can help set up reminders for optimal sleep, diet, and exercise.
To take some of this pressure off, lean into your creativity. “This placement should be mindful of emotional detachment,” says Crysler. “Their thoughts and ideas need to flow freely, and having a creative outlet will promote a sense of well-being.”
Pisces in the 6th house

Pisces in the 6th house likely means you have the capacity to work with your intuition at a very deep level; you may even have a profession within the realm of holistic wellness. That said, it’s important for you to be aware of the potential negative effects of being too empathetic or being empathetic without setting boundaries. “Emotions can be extra sensitive with this placement, and you may need to discern if you take on others’ energy and emotions that are not your own,” says Crysler. “Find ways to clear and cleanse the energy around you, and be mindful that large crowds or late nights out may not serve your health.”
Another way to maximize your daily wellness regimen, says Dawn, is to implement dream journaling or tapping into your subconscious through self-hypnosis to reprogram your thoughts.
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