April arrives with a veritable inferno of intense astrology: Mercury retrograde in fire-sign Aries starts on April 1, followed by a mega-powerful total solar eclipse in Aries on April 8, a conjunction between notoriously challenging planets Mars and Saturn on April 10, and a once-in-14-years Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20. To put it mildly, your April 2024 monthly horoscope is ablaze with the fiery energy of change and initiation—and we must expect the unexpected.
The solar eclipse on April 8 falls at 19 degrees of Aries (exact at 2:21 p.m. EDT) and will be visible across a wide swath of the United States—which is garnering it a whole lot of attention. Hotels within the path of totality are selling out as people book eclipse vacations to catch it from ideal viewing points. After all, it is pretty rare: The last total solar eclipse to grace the U.S. with its presence was in June 2017, and the next one isn’t until August 2044.
This eclipse is likely to echo emotionally across the collective.
Any total solar eclipse is thought to herald unexpected change, but this one is extra resonant for astrologers because it occurs at the same degree as the asteroid Chiron, which symbolizes our deepest wounds. In turn, this eclipse is likely to echo emotionally across the collective. We’ll all feel something profound and deep, all at once. Let’s hold out hope that this potent force helps to heal the angst, division, strife, and trauma we’ve witnessed and experienced on Earth lately.
Solar eclipses, especially this one, are all about fast and furious energy that speaks to the future—a transformation that comes at us and that we can’t necessarily control. Yet, because Mercury will be retrograde in Aries from April 1 through 25, we’re simultaneously reviewing the past and getting an opportunity to course-correct. (Look at the part of your birth chart ruled by Aries to see where you’re being spun around, provoked, and compelled by karma.)
If you’re an Aries or Libra born from April 6 to 16 or October 6 to 16, respectively, you’re right in the crosshairs of this cosmic crucible. Stay hydrated, rest, practice all the self care, and know that these moments of powerful change are the ones you’ll one day write about in your memoir.
As the month nears its end, the full moon arrives in Scorpio on April 23 with sexy but dark energy. It’s perfect for meeting up with a lover in a candlelit bar. But because this lunation is square to transformative Pluto, jealousy can also flare up and bring down the vibe. It’s best to approach this full moon—and the month preceding it—with extra awareness of your fears and desires.
April 2024 monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign
To get a fuller understanding of what you can expect from the above cosmic transits and others this month, keep reading for your zodiac sign’s April 2024 monthly horoscope. (A pro tip: Read for both your sun sign and your rising sign, the latter of which can offer an even more accurate horoscope, as it sets the order of the astrological houses in your birth chart.)
Looking for even more astrology insights? Read yourfull 2024 yearly horoscope here.

Hold on tight, Aries. This could be one of the most intense months of the entire year for you. People from your past may show up, reminding you of selves you’ve shed and exposing where you may still be holding onto an outmoded identity. Your main goal this April: Take it easy. It’s Aries season, and you may want to rage and burn and blaze, as that is your birthright. Yet the faster you go and the harder you push, the likelier you are to run into a hard stop. In short, mind your ego, fire-starter. The full moon on April 23 lands in the transformation sector of your chart, continuing to ram you through change.
Career and money:A major economic pivot point comes on April 20 as lucky Jupiter and anything-goes Uranus come together in your financial zone, bringing something totally unforeseen. This could be a sudden windfall, a new job, or a genius idea that translates to a successful entrepreneurial venture. Consider this aspect your cosmic seed money.
Love and relationships: With Mercury retrograde in your sign until April 25, you may have no idea what you really want when it comes to love. It’s best not to make any major relationship decisions until midway through May, after the retrograde shadow clears. Yet, the full moon in Scorpio on April 23 is so damn sexy, even if you’re not clear on commitments, you can still be clear about your desires.

Your April 2024 monthly horoscope plunges you into the depths of your psyche, Taurus, initiating a kind of great re-awakening. With Mercury retrograde in your house of the subconscious mind for most of the month, you’re journeying within and looking back at who you’ve been, secrets you’ve held close, and dreams you’ve shared only with your circle of trust. As the solar eclipse rocks your inner world on April 8, it prompts a moment of quiet contemplation ahead of your Taurus-season debut on April 19.
When Jupiter comes into an exact conjunction with Uranus in your sign on April 20, it signals a revolutionary change in your life—one that you should embrace, even if your instinct is to resist. Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, the emotional tides begin to wane, and you can relax into the joys of your birthday season.
Career and money: Your ruler Venus makes a sweet angle to Pluto in your career zone on April 6, stimulating your desire for success and giving you some serious charm. Just note that you may be motivated by forces that you don’t completely understand until after the Mercury retrograde, so it’s best to avoid big professional moves until next month. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in your sign on April 20 could bring a brilliant idea, so take note—because higher-ups are likely taking note of you.
Love and relationships:The full moon in Scorpio on April 23 closes out a six-month phase in your partnership zone, and it’s a deeply emotional moment. This lunation is squaring Pluto, intensifying the mood considerably. The upshot is that you’ll have less trouble releasing old patterns and unhealthy habits in your relationship realm, making space for love and connection. Love-planet Venus enters your sign on April 29, wrapping up the month on the most pleasurable note possible.

For you, Gemini, April is meant for review, revision, and major resets—especially when it comes to your social life and your BFFs. With your planetary ruler Mercury stationing retrograde on April 1 and not going direct until April 25, old connections can appear out of the woodwork. You might run into someone, get an unexpected text or email, or feel the sudden urge to reach out.
The solar eclipse on April 8 helps you reconfigure your goals and wishes, and consider what you want to prioritize and what you’re ready to leave behind over the next six months. And the full moon in Scorpio on April 23 illuminates your work and wellness zone, showing you where stress is triggering your nervous system and reminding you to slow down and breathe.
Career and money: A former colleague (or job opportunity) could reappear this month, thanks to Mercury’s apparent retrograde motion, so if you’re looking for a new gig, stay active on LinkedIn or wherever you’ve previously networked. The thing is, that new, lucrative work is more likely to show up once you clear the slate and make mental space for it, so be willing to also let go of what’s no longer serving you professionally. The full moon should help with this on April 23.
Love and relationships: As April begins, you may be romantically reeling, given the late March lunar eclipse was in your love zone. Take time to gently integrate the wisdom released during that lunation, and don’t mistake bits of data for the whole truth. After April 25, any relationship chaos should begin to wane, leaving you feeling a lot more stable than you were at the start of the month.

A profound professional shift may be in the stars for you this month, Cancer. Sometimes, we have to take risks to make our dreams come true, and this may mean that it’s time for a leap like no other—perhaps giving up a pursuit that once meant everything to you to pursue a road not taken. Yet, the red warning lights of Mercury retrograde are flashing, so be wary about initiating any huge moves right now. It’s possible that the hard work you’ve already done may get newly noticed by fans, followers, or VIPs in your industry, thanks to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in your networking zone on April 20.
Career and money:April is one of the biggest months for your career this year. With a powerful solar eclipse hitting the career house of your chart on April 8, the world is about to see you in a brand-new way. But with Mercury retrograde roaring through the same part of your chart through April 25, you may not want to take any definitive steps now (lest you find yourself retracing them in May).
Love and relationships: You’re so focused on professional pursuits this month, you may at first forget that your love life needs care. Pay close attention to your desires near April 23 when a full moon in Scorpio lights up your romance and pleasure zone, potentially making you super emo. Letting go of certain relationship expectations could be necessary for you to feel safe and secure with a lover.

As April opens, you may crave wild adventures and rollicking road trips, but the stars could keep you on a ground stop, Leo. This push-pull dynamic in your travel sector comes courtesy of the solar eclipse—the powerful force pushing you to take off—and Mercury retrograde, the force that’s holding you back. If you have a trip scheduled, know that the likelihood of delays, last-minute flight changes, or other travel snags is high, so give yourself extra time and check everything thrice.
The solar eclipse also speaks to your worldview and philosophy—something that could drastically change around April 8, perhaps through a spiritual conversation with someone who hails from a different culture than your own. Later in the month, you’re more focused on home and professional matters, especially near the full moon in your domestic zone on April 23.
Career and money:A rare alignment of Jupiter and Uranus in your career zone on April 20 marks one of the most innovative, forward-thinking, electrifying moments for your status sector in years. This is about your name in neon lights, glowing with the story of whatever you came to Earth to do. People will remember your name, and this is your reminder to make something of it.
Love and relationships: Your sex life sparkles through April 6, as Venus spends its final week in your intimacy zone. But the real romantic action could happen when you accidentally (or accidentally-on-purpose) reconnect with an ex. Travel is the most complicated part of your world this month, but also the part of your world where a sudden and unexpected love story could begin.

April’s eclipse-retrograde tornado hits your eighth house of transformation, suggesting that you’re about to undergo some particularly major change, Virgo. Because you prefer to be in control of things, all this upheaval could be uncomfortable. But there is an upside: You can use the solar eclipse on April 8 to alter your circumstances for the better, by letting go of the hold on your emotions and allowing for the kind of vulnerability you don’t typically embrace.
The full moon lands in your communication zone on April 23, marking an opportune time to talk or write about the crucible you pushed through during the earlier part of the month.
Career and money: The solar eclipse on April 8 brings your house of debt into focus. With Mercury retrograde in effect until April 25, it’s not a great month to make big career moves, like applying for jobs or even making lateral changes at your workplace. For now, focus on your bottom line, and try to stick to your budget.
Love and relationships:A deep dive into your own desire is possible this month as the solar eclipse initiates a powerful new way for you to experience emotional intimacy. Yet with Mercury askew, it may be hard to express exactly what you long for to a lover. Try waiting until a few days after the sultry full moon hits your communication zone on April 23 to have a heart-to-heart.

Relationships tend to rule your world, Libra, and this month, you can get real about your attachment style. Your tendency to avoid conflict with close partners could come up near the eclipse on April 8, doubly triggered by Mercury’s retrograde through the same part of your chart. Confusing verbal cues, mislaid texts, and oversensitivity in general might lead you to assume a lover is saying something they’re not. Take a beat before making an accusation!
By the time lucky Jupiter and renegade Uranus come together in the transformation house of your chart on April 20, you’ll be practically ready to put together a communication workshop for couples—that’s how much relationship schooling you’re likely to get this month.
Career and money:Business partnerships could be a bit fraught this month, so avoid making any big “start” or “stop” decisions, and don’t sign contracts that bind you to working with anyone until Mercury goes direct on April 25, if possible. The full moon in your money house on April 23 could bring a payment for work you did six months ago… or at least news about what’s still owed to you.
Love and relationships: That saying, “Relationships are your mirror” comes true for you this month, so pay close and careful attention to whatever comes up with those you love (or want to be loved by). Mercury retrograde can throw a wrench in your conversations with partners, but the revelations you can have about dating, mating, and relating might be profound and life-changing.

Your day-to-day life is swept up in the whirlwind of both the solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde, Scorpio, as they occur in your sixth house of work and wellness. This is all about your schedule and your stress levels, so if you’ve been burdening yourself with too many tasks and not taking breaks, it could catch up with you this month.
The week before and after the eclipse on April 8 happens to be ideal for taking a vacay, so consider booking something, even if it’s just a weekend away. The full moon is in your sultry sign on April 23, harkening back to your birthday wishes from last fall. Did you get what you wanted? If not, plan to pursue your desires anew after Mercury stations direct on April 25.
Career and money: This is one of those months when you may have to choose meaning over money. If you push yourself too hard to make a work deadline at a job that doesn’t mean much to you, you might hit a kind of burnout that you may not even be conscious of until it collapses you. Take heed, and reduce stress proactively, focusing on self care just as much as success.
Love and relationships: When Jupiter and Uranus come together in a rare conjunction in your partnership zone on April 20, your relationships could experience a wild, open-minded, innovative energy. Your attitude about love might suddenly shift quite profoundly, or you could meet someone in a totally unexpected way and surprise yourself by… falling in love with them.

Big creative leaps are possible for you this month, Sagittarius. You’re one of the few signs that tends to thrive during chaos, and April’s got a ton of commotion to contend with. With both a solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde blazing through your fifth house of love, pleasure, and art-making, expect the unexpected when it comes to both dating and creating. Ex-lovers might show up in your world, possibly trying to hook up with you or wanting to be friends, but this can stir up surprising feelings.
When your planetary ruler Jupiter comes together with electrifying Uranus on April 20, it could signal a major shift in your day-to-day life. The full moon on April 23 brings a moment to process your deeper feelings about all the changes you’ve gone through during the last six months. Sit still, and feel it.
Career and money: With Mercury retrograding through your creativity zone, you might want to return to an idea you first hatched a while back because you can finally refine and develop it, setting yourself up for success. Just try to wait until after the communication planet stations direct on April 25 before launching new professional projects, then dust off that old idea and dig in.
Love and relationships:An eclipse in your pleasure zone can shake up your love life considerably, reminding you to seek what truly feels good in a romantic relationship. If you’ve felt unsatisfied with a long-term partner, you might be ready to express your desires in starker terms. Just make sure not to be too blunt or shove your foot in your mouth—after all, Mercury is wreaking a bit of havoc with your love life, and there are some things that once said, you can’t take back.

What does the word “home” mean to you, Capricorn? That’s the looming question of April’s solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde in the domestic part of your chart. This might be about your chosen family or your hometown, your ancestral roots, renovating, signing a lease, or buying or selling real estate. The thing is, with Mercury retrograde for much of the month, making any big decisions about this kind of thing could be unwise… at least until April 25. If possible, use the first three weeks of the month to think about these themes without taking any direct action. (In other words, review the contract, but don’t sign it until May.)
The full moon in Scorpio lands in your networking zone on April 23, possibly stoking some drama with friends or colleagues; it could be a bit emo in the group chat for a minute.
Career and money: A major event likely took place in your career zone late in March (around the time of the lunar eclipse), and with eclipse season still in effect in April, the details might continue to shake out for a few weeks. Use the solar eclipse on April 8 to refocus your attention on who you truly want to be in a professional sense, rather than who someone else, like your boss, expects you to be.
Love and relationships: Potential has blossomed in your love zone since Jupiter entered it last May, but when the bold planet comes together with wild-child Uranus on April 20, literally anything goes. Something surprising could be in store, and enjoying it to the fullest requires an open mind and heart.

Bold yet healthy communication is at the core of your April 2024 monthly horoscope, Aquarius. With both the solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde exploding in your third house of thinking and talking, expressing yourself in words could be equally fraught and fulfilling. The retrograde can cause misunderstandings and slips of the tongue (or texting fingers), so it’s important to slow down and sit with your thoughts before sharing. This is especially the case near the eclipse, when you may be very fired up. This is not the time to get into it with someone in the group chat or challenge your partner about anything emotional.
After the eclipse on April 8 is a safer time to have difficult conversations, so long as you choose your words carefully. When Jupiter joins your planetary ruler Uranus in a rare conjunction in your domestic zone on April 20, you could receive some sort of surprise on the home front.
Career and money:A powerful full moon lands in your career zone on April 23, possibly bringing a project or professional plan from around six months ago to a close. This could be a huge relief, especially if this work was stressful or problematic. Energetic Mars remains in your money zone until April 29, powering up your financial prowess, so grab that cold hard cash, and make a stash.
Love and relationships:Venus brings much-needed sweetness to your communication zone from April 4 to 29, softening some of the harsher effects from the eclipse and Mercury retrograde pileup. This is a boon for your love life, firing up your flirting skills and letting you experiment with lighthearted banter even if you’re also working through more challenging issues with a lover.

April delivers profound wisdom about your self-worth, Pisces, and whether it might be bound up in what you have rather than who you are. That’s because both the solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde are hurtling through your money zone this month, bringing your attention to income, earning, and your value system. The way you relate to your material realm could change sometime in the next six months. Do you merely want those metallic slingback sandals, or do you feel like you need them? This is the sort of question you may find that you’re asking yourself this month.
When the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction hits your communication zone on April 20, you may find yourself suddenly ready to say (or post) something shocking—but also something that people need to hear, like a brilliant idea or mode of thought with the power to change your life.
Career and money:After last month’s lunar eclipse hit the debt part of your chart, April delivers a one-two punch in your money zone: You may have to clean up financial messes (thanks to Mercury retrograde), while you think ahead, budget-wise, at the behest of the solar eclipse. Any changes in this arena, even if they’re stressful, suggest that your financial future looks quite bright.
Love and relationships: Self-love is the key to healing your love life, and the solar eclipse leads the way here. With the asteroid Chiron (ruler of karmic trauma) exactly conjunct this eclipse, you may have to encounter some of your deepest, oldest wounds around what makes you valuable to others. Don’t be afraid of this, though. It could be the key to having the most beautiful, fulfilling, and profound romantic connections of your life during the next six months.
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