The Cancer full moon, also called the cold moon, is the last full moon of the year, and the nurturing energy it packs is exactly what we need after a year marked by tumult and uncertainty. Occurring on December 29th at 10:28 p.m., ET, the moon rules the intuitive sign of Cancer and is feeling quite comfortable in its home sign. When a planet is in its domicile, we can receive its benefits in a positive way. Naturally during this time of year, our attention is pushed towards the home, loved ones, and our own internal world.
A full moon occurs when the moon and the sun are opposing each other in the sky, and in this particular lunation, the full moon in Cancer will sit across from the Capricorn sun. The moon and sun form positive connections with freedom-loving Uranus in Taurus, which has been retrograde since August 15th. There is also a challenging aspect between the full moon and the wounded warrior Chiron in Aries. This planetary shift signals that we will be able to go after what we value and initiate a new beginning following a period of life-altering experiences that have led to healing.
This planetary shift signals that we will be able to go after what we value and initiate a new beginning following a period of life-altering experiences that have led to healing.
Cancer is the cardinal sign that ushers in the summer solstice and is also one of the leading energies of the zodiac. This full moon, in particular, provides for the opportunity to heal the challenges and old wounds that have resurfaced during the year. It’s giving us the passion and drive to move forward into 2021 with a higher perspective, and is initiating much-needed changes in order to be more in alignment with our spirit. Below, learn what the healing power of the full moon in Cancer holds for your zodiac sign, plus a bespoke self-care tip to maximize its benefits.
Here’s how to practice self care for your sign during the full moon in Cancer.

The full moon in Cancer is illuminating your fourth house of home, family, and your emotional center. Not only is the moon at home in Cancer, but it’s also comfortable in this part of your chart. This energy is encouraging you to tap into your ancestral roots, lineage, and also what makes sense for you in terms of your home surroundings. You might upgrade your home or be driven to seek a new environment that is better a fit for who you are.
Your full-moon self-care tip: Honoring your emotions and taking time to practice self care is the best way to tap into this full moon energy. This may not be second nature to you, Aries, as a bold and brazen fire sign. At night, take time to meditate and be one with your emotions. While you are in meditation, visualize 2020 and the events that have changed you over this year. After your session, journal your intentions for the home and family life that you want to experience in the new year.

Your third house of communication, siblings, short-distance travel, and neighbors is being illuminated by the full moon, Taurus. You can experience the drive to speak your truth and share your beliefs to others in a more authentic way than in the past. Some of you may also have a sudden change with neighbors at home or in the life of your siblings. The full moon in Cancer making a positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus retrograde has been pushing you to identify what it is you truly value. Embrace what makes you unique.
Your full-moon self-care tip: Your value system and beliefs are what create your reality. When you shift those to be more in alignment with who you are, you can create your desired reality. Affirmations are a powerful manifestation practice, especially when performed daily. Take time under the light of the full moon in Cancer to identify what your truth is. Write down 10 affirmations and, with your phone or computer, record yourself speaking them into existence. Play this back on loop as you drift off into sleep. You are more receptive to information during this time. Feel free to continue as a daily practice.

The full moon in Cancer is affecting your second house of material gains, possessions, and your self-worth. Perhaps throughout the year you have learned the ways in which you should tighten your boundaries and ask for what you deserve in terms of your work. An opportunity to do just that could present itself to you. Use it to push through feelings of self-doubt and lean in. You can receive what you ask for!
Your full-moon self-care tip: Money is essentially energy. It is a physical manifestation of our self-worth. If we do not feel that we are worth it, the universe will respond accordingly. It’s important to become mindful about how you speak to yourself about money. During the full moon in Cancer, write a letter to yourself about money in first person. What do you dream about in terms of compensation? An example: Money always gravitates towards me, and I make more than enough to not only survive but thrive. After you write this letter, perform mirror work, where you look in the mirror and read it out loud to yourself. Invoke the feelings as if they are true. Incorporate this as a daily practice going into the new year, and watch miracles happen.

This is your full moon, Cancer! It’s occurring in your first house of identity, self, and personal growth. This is a powerful way to end the year and an energy that you have been needing, especially when it comes to your career. You can feel a positive turnaround in professional matters and could receive sudden help from an acquaintance in your industry. Take this moment to congratulate yourself for not only taking responsibility for your challenges but also rising above them successfully.
Your full-moon self-care tip: You are a water sign, and connecting during your element is key. Tapping into the power of a spiritual bath can help you get in touch with your intuition. This is your guidance system moving into the new year and can help you make the best decisions. Incorporate essential oils like jasmine and hyssop to add metaphysical power to your bath. Light jasmine incense, lower the lights, and spend time in a meditative state alone.

You are experiencing a private yet pivotal energy with the full moon occurring in your private 12th house. This area of your chart rules the subconscious mind, seclusion, and intuition. You can feel sudden bursts of wisdom or insight that encourage you to suddenly change direction in terms of your work life or health routine. You have realized this year that in order to achieve your lofty career goals, the devil is in the details. Taking care of your well-being should come first.
Your full-moon self-care tip: This is the best lunation to be alone and practice breathwork. Your sign was one of the busiest in 2020, and you may feel like you haven’t connected with your physical or spiritual body. Breathwork is an ancient technique to release trapped emotions, your physical body, alleviate stress, and connect with your higher self. Register with a practitioner of your choice for an online session.

Your groups, friends, and social network are being affected by the full moon. This lunation is occurring in your 11th house, and is pushing you to speak your truth in a more public way. Perhaps in the past you didn’t set firm boundaries, or you may have kept quiet on social media out of fear of other opinions. Well, the truth can not only liberate you, but can help you grow as a person. It’s important to surround yourself with those who honor you.
Your full-moon self-care tip: This is an excellent time to take a social media break. Due to social-distancing during this unprecedented time, you may have found yourself fatigued from screen life. Take the day off from the internet, video chats, and socializing to get into nature and find some time alone to connect with your element, Earth. This can be the country, beach, mountains, or another location that best suits you. Recalibrate and get ready to take on 2021.

A shift in your career growth is underway. The Cancer full moon is enlightening your 10th house of career and professional matters. You could feel called to shift directions with your own business or the company you work for if you are employed. If you are looking for a new opportunity, something can arise that is in more in alignment with your future. Listen to your higher-self and intuition for the next best move.
Your full-moon self-care tip: Vision boards are a fantastic opportunity to creatively dream, ideate, and bring your future goals into reality. As a beauty-minded Venus-ruled sign, creativity can spark your imagination in positive ways. Take time to create a collage of dreams, goals, and wishes for your life path in 2021. Hang it up in a visible place in your home, and release attachment to the goals. Watch them start to come to life in the new year.

Your ninth house of beliefs, wisdom, higher-learning, and broader vision are all being energized by the full moon in Cancer. You may decide to teach and spread your message of truth to others in the form of a webinar or class. On the other hand, you also may to continue your own education in order to broaden your perspective. This could be related to spiritual or esoteric matters. You also could launch a major communications project, like a book, podcast, or thought-provoking social media account. Either way, this is a more fulfilling direction for you. 2020 has taught you to life is too short not to move forward with your dreams.
Your full-moon self-care tip: Energizing your spiritual practice is a great way to tap into such beneficial energy in your ninth house. Crystal energy can be immensely healing when incorporated into your meditation practice. Celestine is an excellent option for tapping into the higher realms of your mind when used in conjunction with a Cancer full moon. It also promotes connecting with your divine intuition.

The house of your personal power, other people’s money, marriage, contracts, and sex is under the spotlight for you during the full moon in Cancer. You may reassert your power in terms of how you share your money within contracts, resolve debts, or money received from an employer. You can finally see these outstanding agreements come to a resolution, leaving you feeling lighter and ready to move forward.
Your full-moon self-care tip: Boost and amplify your personal power by using a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. Essentially this is when you “tap” on specific parts of the body while thinking of a specific issue or challenge to help you release distress you may be feeling around this topic. Book an appointment with an EFT practitioner who aligns with you.

You have had such an intense year due to the major Capricorn stellium (three of more planets) that were challenging you to evolve, grow, and shift. Now, the full moon in your opposite sign of Cancer in your seventh house of romantic and business relationships is pushing you to integrate this into how you relate to others. Receiving the nurturing that you may have not been receiving can be a key theme for you and also a non-negotiable moving forward.
Your full-moon self-care tip: Plan a day off to spend time with family, a loved one, or close friends. You deserve to have a break, as one of the signs that has made it through 2020 feeling more empowered and changed. Plan a quiet evening at home, making food you enjoy or watching an enjoyable holiday comedy. This can allow you to fully tap into the home-oriented sign of Cancer and help you feel nurtured at the start of this new year.

It’s time to bring self-care and empathy to your daily routine and health regimen. The full moon is placing a spotlight on your sixth house of health, work, and service. If you work in a healing profession, you may have been extremely busy this year, and now it’s time to honor you. Your mind has been weighed down with releasing karmic baggage or what has been holding you back this year. Taking this much-needed time can help be a final positive release for you.
Your full-moon self-care tip: A practice like yoga can be an incredibly healthy way to move your body and connect with your mind in order to nurture your soul and wind down from such an intense year. Schedule a session with your favorite practitioner. After your class, spend some time in solitude journaling and setting intentions and goals for your health in the coming new year. Do make sure to consult your doctor before starting a new health routine, though.

Your fifth house of children, self-expression, creative projects, and joy is being energized by the full moon in Cancer. Take time with your own children or you may learn that you have a new addition on the way. If not, this full moon may signal the start of a new creative endeavor that has been gestating in the back of your mind for some time. The moon’s positive connection with groundbreaking Uranus in your third house of communication is encouraging you to move forward with your innovative ideas.
Your full-moon self-care tip: Tapping into your inner child can be extremely healing for you under the light of this full moon. If you have children, play fun-filled games. If not, grab an adult coloring book and take some time alone to get creative. Even board games with close friends is a fantastic idea. This can make for a positive energetic release.
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