Think back to a month ago. You’d probably never heard of “frost quakes.” Or thought that we’d ever run airport security basically on the honor system. Or imagine that there would be two documentaries on the Fyre Festival that people would not only watch, but argue about which one to see first.
In other words, don’t sleep on 2019. It’s already been a doozy—so it may be worth revisiting all those annual predictions. You’re going to have to pay close the attention this year. So when one of our editors attended a “celestial salon” at NeueHouse in New York City this week with the AstroTwins, sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, it was a lean-forward moment.
Don’t sleep on 2019. You’re going to have to pay close the attention this year.
The sought-after celebs in the astrology world (at least one of our editors credits them with being her gateway into discussions of north nodes, moon signs, and more) held forth on what’s coming in the next year—starting with a sun-sign rundown full of humor and straight talk. (Geminis, we love you, really.)
Here’s what the AstroTwins had to say was in store for every sign in the zodiac for 2019.

“Last year did you find you were under the radar, behind the scenes? A very intense kind of inner work? This year is all about coming out and all that inner transformation, bringing it out to the world. Trying something new, traveling. If you’re a business owner, it’s all about building your business, taking a leadership role and just taking chances. It should be a very positive, optimistic time…so, yeah: Go big! It’s good to be an Aries in 2019.”

“Last year may have felt a bit like an extended acid trip for you, because you got Uranus in Aries from May 16 until November 6. Taurus are comfort-level creatures. If you know a Taurus, love a Taurus, they’ll always know the places to find food and wine. But get them to break up their routine? Good luck with that. So you’re really shocking yourself by being surprisingly adventurous, the Taurus. This is a year where you can be more exploratory by deepening your relationships with one or two people, or maybe even going back to school. And getting out of your comfort zone. Really until March, you may be feeling a little more tired or unfocused, since New Year’s Eve—a two month period. Take it easy until maybe February, early March, because there’s a lot of inner stuff to process. Tell people, ‘I’m healing, I’m sorry.'”

“Geminis love astrology. Especially a daily horoscope, because they’re a different person every day! This is a great time to be a Gemini. There’s a real push toward relationships. Even though Geminis have a twin, you can be very free-spirited with a million friends and Tinder threads open. But it’s actually time to deepen partnerships of all manner. Just commit already, dammit. Also some spiritual exploration, with Uranus going into your 12th house. You may soon have your own personal shaman. Or become one.”

“Last year was a little intensely dramatic for Cancers. But [after the] Cancer eclipse in July last year, all of a sudden it was, ‘I am Cancer, hear me roar.’ It was like, ‘Oh, I matter. I don’t have to take care of the world.’ You may have gotten pissed off at people around you: ‘Why am I doing all this stuff for them and not for me?’ This year is sort of a quieter year in some ways. Do the work. If you’re in between jobs or discovering a new passion for yourself, it’s a great year to take classes or take a really easy in-between job or consulting gig to explore what you’re into or build up your skills. However, you may discover your destiny at the same time because the north node of the moon, which is a special point where the eclipses are happening, is in Cancer fro first time in 19 years. So while you’re out there exploring and experimenting, you may say this is what I was born to do. So be open to that level of discovering and calling. Elizabeth Warren’s a Cancer, for example, and she kind of exemplifies that. Cecile Richards from Planned Parenthood is a Cancer, too—they’re kind of that alpha woman who are have that nurturing energy sometimes too.
“Cancers may feel that they have to step forward even if they they don’t necessarily want to or feel comfortable doing it in 2019. And the three [upcoming] Capricorn eclipses and all the Capricorn energy—Capricorn is your opposite sign. So that’s going to impact your relationships. You may find that you may need to slow down and and give space for restructuring or rethinking relationships. Or you could meet someone suddenly because of the changes, while you’re out pursuing new things.”

“This is a time to have fun and feel like a Leo again. Maybe you’ve been feeling a little low-key over the past several years. Now you’re like, ‘You know what? I want to step out and rebrand myself.’ You want to be taken seriously for the things that you do this year. So it’s kind of this power—it’s not razzle-dazzle Leo energy. It’s power-bitch Leo energy. There’s a strong pull to be of service in what you do. It’s not that you’re looking for attention, it’s really modeling a different kind of leadership, showing that you don’t have to be super uptight to be in charge. And just really having fun with everything you do. Last year was a bit emotional, more behind the scenes, spending time at home or with your family. And now is a time to get creative and have fun.”

“Virgos love astrology as much as Geminis because they worry a lot, and astrology helps them calm down everything! This is a very social year—a year for making new friends. It’s social and homebody at the same time. So it’s a little bit of a paradox, especially starting in March. with Uranus going into your global 9th house, you’ll want to get out here and explore and see the world. But then you have Jupiter in your home sector so you’re looking around for a place to put down roots. But as soon as you think you find a place, you’re like, ‘Wait, I’m not ready to settle in here yet.’ So don’t force yourself if you’re a Virgo. Look around for places that feel like home around the world to explore.”

“This is kind of a grounding time for you in some ways. You may buy property this year. Or decide to put down roots in some other way, or get serious about saving money. You may feel family-oriented in ways you haven’t in the past. Though you are an irreformable social butterfly, you may decide to keep things a little closer to home, get involved in local events—and deal with some childhood or parents and family-of-origin stuff as well. You’ve got Saturn in your family partner chart with Pluto, so it’s churning up some things. I know some Libras are working through some of that mom-and-dad baggage everybody comes into this world with. But also, entrepreneurial partnerships could go well. Short-term partnerships. Or even using your voice, podcasting. Sharing your ideas through a more vocal, verbal medium or writing medium is good for Libras this year.”

“It’s an interesting time to be a Scorpio because last year Jupiter (the planet of expansion and growth and luck and new beginnings) was in Scorpio until November. So it started a new 12-year cycle of your life, which is exciting. But also for Scorpios, it’s kind of a lot to handle because you want to do things where you know what to expect. You don’t love a surprise, unless you’ve planned it. Which doesn’t make sense to anyone but a Scorpio! But [last year] you got a lot of surprises you didn’t plan, and you had to learn how to roll with them quickly. And you got a lot of new ideas that maybe weren’t the ones you were expecting or even looking for … but if you opened yourself up to that, it was a pretty exciting year. Now this year is about anchoring, maybe taking one or two of those ideas that came your way and making them even bigger, making them into a stable source of income. Or it’s just about confidence. During this year a lot of people who are single will meet a long-time partner because you’re not looking for flashy stuff. you’re looking for security, stability, people with character, people you probably would overlook other times. You’re like, ‘Yeah, let’s settle down.’ So don’t be surprised, single Scorpios, if you meet someone who’s a keeper. With Uranus going to Taurus (that’s your partnership house), they may be quite different [than your usual match] and it might be someone you meet online.”

“This is a good time to be a Sag, in some ways, because Jupiter (our ruling planet), has come forward. Last year was quite the ass-kicker. Actually the last four or five years—it’s been really pushing down our free-spirited energy. So like the Leos and Aries out there, Sagittarians are having a homecoming party: ‘I feel like me again (sort of)!’ But all the Capricorn energy is also stabilizing that, preventing us from getting too crazy. It’s a good time for getting health reforms as well. New approaches to fitness and work and getting into more of a routine again. Time to work out again!”

“This is the year of the Capricorn…[thanks to] there three eclipses, in Saturn and Pluto and Jupiter. [Capricorns] love hard work. They love a challenge. They love to break themselves up and become a better person. even when they’re already way up there. It’s: ‘What’s the next level? How can I rise? How can I climb?’ It’s interesting because Capricorn is the sea goat. This is something a lot of people don’t know. It’s a goat with the tail of a mermaid, so it can go down to below sea level—so Capricorns can go into some kinky places sometimes. They have some freakiness to them. So don’t get it twisted, they are not boring people. They are just very focused. They’ll meet some surprising parts of themselves this year…Don’t be surprised if a Capricorn in your life suddenly pops up wearing leather pants and riding a motorcycle or telling you about their ayahuasca journey in the jungle.”

“Aquarians, your ruling planet happens to be Uranus. So having your ruling planet change signs this year is kind of a big deal. It’s been in Aries for the past nine years basically so you’ve had a lot of changes—moving around, going here, going there, trying this. Now it’s going into your solar chart, the part that rules home and family. So you may have found innovative ways to do domestic life. You might buy that Airtsream trialer and go and live around the country, if you haven’t done that already. Or co-living, or buying land with friends. That’s something an Aquarius would do. Off the grid, of course. A sustainable farm with bees and a circus tent and a yurt. Or it could be an Airbnb too.
“Since the supermoon on January 21 you’re now going to move into a phase where you’re like, okay, I think I’m ready to hang out with different types of people, whether that’s in romantic relationships or friendships or business relationships There’s a new you, new crew kind of vibe.”

“You may be a little more patient this year, Pisces, because your goals are front and center now. You’re like, ‘I have things to do, I have focus like I’ve never had before, and I’m going to accomplish something big.’ It really is a great year for Pisces to level up, as they say. And work with a team as well—to be more collaborative, but also take charge. Because sometimes when a Pisces becomes collaborative, that means exhausted, caretaking—everyone runs all over you. Codependent. You may want to give yourself some leadership training and management training because you may find yourself in a leadership position, which Pisces can be great at because you’re so compassionate. But it can also overload your circuits because you can feel everyone else’s energy and be a sponge and not be able to let go. Or you become cold, so that you don’t let it in…[This year] you may actually find yourself documenting everything. Writing up protocols. Writing up methodologies. If you’re a pro at something, map it out. Train people, develop these systems, so that you can kind of let go and also be the boss bitch.”
More ways to look ahead in 2019: This is how to pick your tarot card for the year and here’s what you can learn from numerology.
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