So, a blue supermoon is coming on January 31. And a lunar eclipse. Astrologically, that’s a powerful combination. Jennifer Racioppi is here with her weekly advice (with a wellness twist!) to help you sort out the best ways to eat, work out, sleep, and generally live your life over the next seven days—so you’re fully prepped for what she says will be a “wild ride.”
Monday, January 22
With the waxing crescent moon in Aries asking you to take charge of your health and your life, get ready to embrace Monday with gusto. This lunar position is the perfect configuration to get your sweat on. So throw on your favorite workout outfit and get out the door to a class. Not feeling like leaving the house? No worries. Try out a new digital exercise video at home. Now that the sun has moved from stalwart Capricorn into freedom-loving and innovative Aquarius, you may feel the need to shake your routines up. If so, cool! Choose something new, and get your blood flowing.
Tuesday, January 23
Yesterday’s energetic vibes carry forward today, offering more “make it happen” potential. Use the upbeat, energetic tempo to push forward and tap into your grit. Positive psychology scholar Angela Duckworth defines grit as the combination of passion and perseverance on behalf of long-term goals—and she’s shown that grit is a vital quality when it comes to creating personal success. So ask yourself today: How passionate am I about what I say I want, and how willing am I to persevere? Stay committed and get your grit on!
Wednesday, January 24
With Mercury, the planet of communication, meeting up with powerhouse Pluto today in Capricorn, be prepared for things to feel intense. On top of this, the waxing quarter moon in Taurus asks you to field curveballs with grace, too. So be the master of your mind today and stay devoted to your vision. Repeat positive mantras that support your knowingness that the good you desire also desires you. Want to go deeper? Check out hypnotherapy as a tool to go beneath the surface of limiting beliefs, phobias, and fears.
Thursday, January 25
After yesterday’s intense meet up with Pluto, today communicative Mercury makes an angle of support with good luck Jupiter. (Yes!) This aspect supports you and helps you find favorable support. If you need to ask for support or make a pitch, today’s your day. Otherwise, stay diligent, focused and disciplined with your thoughts. Visualize the outcome you most desire. Believe you are worthy. (Newsflash: You are.)
Friday, January 26
Action-oriented Mars moves out of Scorpio today and into Sagittarius, a sign he’ll travel in until March 17. While this is excellent news for Sagittarius (hello, motivation and determination) no matter what your sun sign, Mars in fire sign Sag motivates all. Between now and the middle of March, tune into your big-picture goals and muster the courage to really go for them! Make fitness a priority. Hire a trainer. Join a gym. Buy a membership to an at-home fitness video streaming service. Whatever you do, commit. For the next seven weeks, Mars will support you to take your athleticism to the next level. Use this to your advantage.
Saturday, January 27
Ready? Set. Go! With the waxing gibbous and the moon in Gemini sextiling (AKA making an angle of support) Mars, you may feel like the Energizer bunny. Move. Sweat. Get things done. With January quickly coming to a close, and the first month of the new year wrapping up, what do you have to show for it? Now’s the time to take action on behalf of your goals. You got this!
Sunday, January 28
The waxing moon moves into Cancer today, signifying that Sunday provides you the perfect opportunity to tune in and nourish yourself. What do you need today? With Mercury making a harsh angle to Uranus today, things can feel cranky, so please do tend to your inner world and inner needs. Next week we have a blue supermoon, lunar eclipse. It’s going to be a wild ride. So spend time getting centered for the week ahead. You’ll be glad you did. I promise!
Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success.
For more otherworldly advice, check out RockStar Shaman Alyson Charles’ energy forecast for January. And to stay grounded ahead of the supermoon-slash-lunar eclipse, here’s some pro advice from self-care gurus.
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