Get ready for a monumental wake-up call because the astrology of March is feral, fierce, and a little bit unhinged. Not only is it eclipse season, but with Venus and Mercury both stationing retrograde and Neptune changing signs for the first time in 14 years, the siren call of March is loud and unignorable: it’s the most pivotal period of 2025.
Most of the planetary action takes place in Aries and Pisces, the first and last signs of the zodiac. It’s all about endings and beginnings—and finding the courage to power through uncertain times. To get a sense of how you might experience this critical crescendo of change, look to the houses of your chart ruled by Pisces and Aries, and any planets you have there. That’s where you’ll feel a major metamorphosis.
We’re in magical, ethereal Pisces season on March 1, the day that Venus, the planet of romance, esthetics, and values, stations retrograde in Aries for the first time since early 2017. Venus retrograde happens about every 18 months, encouraging us to examine how we love and want to be loved. Collectively, Venus retrograde is often a time when women rise and reclaim space to be powerful and assert their desires.
Mid-month is a lot. Early on the morning on March 14 (at 2:55 a.m. ET), we experience a powerful full moon/total lunar eclipse in Virgo, the first in a series that will last through early 2027. Think of this as our wellness eclipse: how can you release stress to invite a healthier version of yourself? It’s all about banishing anxiety.
Roughly 24 hours later, Mercury retrograde begins. Now we have not one but two planets in reverse motion in Aries. It may feel like we’re getting into deep and direct touch with our fundamental values about love and relationships, but we’re still unsure of how to translate these realizations into words. Because Mercury will remain in reverse motion through April 7 and Venus will not station direct until April 12, we may have to wait a little while before it's all clear.
The usual rules about Mercury retrograde apply: back up your data, have extra chargers on hand, give yourself extra time to get to appointments and know that misunderstandings are likely. Because Mercury is retrograde in Aries, there’s an additional caveat: don’t start any unnecessary fights. (Righteous rage, however, is absolutely fine).
Spring officially arrives on March 20 at the vernal equinox when the sun also moves into Aries. On March 29, there is a new moon/solar eclipse in Aries. This is the final eclipse in the Aries/Libra series that started in 2023. It’s all about what you want to initiate during the next six months.
Have you had enough Aries yet? The stars don’t care, because on March 30, Neptune, the planet of illusion and delusion, enters Aries for the first time since 1874 after spending more than a decade in Pisces. Our ideals are about to get very frank and very fiery.
Here’s what you can expect for every sign:
March 2025 horoscope for each zodiac sign:

You are the be-all and end-all of the astrology this month, Aries—the absolute belle of the ball, even though your birthday season doesn’t start until three weeks into March. With Venus reversing in your sign on March 1, you’re in a complete head-to-toe reexamination of your values, and this includes what and who you love. The lunar eclipse in your work and wellness zone at mid-month is a potent reminder to reduce stress and decompress like a champion, or else you may feel too exhausted to accomplish the most important things—like celebrating your upcoming birthday. Mercury stations retrograde in your sign within 24 hours of this eclipse, so do your best not to start any fights because even though you’ll probably win, it’s not worth the effort.
The sun enters Aries on the equinox, initiating an Aries season like no other. By March 29, an incredibly fiery solar eclipse lands in your sign, and because it’s the last eclipse in a series that’s ping-ponged between your first house and your relationship zone since 2023, it’s both an ending and a beginning when it comes to partnership. What parts of yourself are you ready to bid adieu to?
Career and Money:
The sun is in your subconscious sector, and on March 8, it makes a positive angle to your ruler, Mars, in your career zone. This is one of those moments when you can take your dreams and translate them into reality, infusing a professional project with fierce creativity.
Love and Relationships:
Venus retrograde in Aries hasn’t happened in eight years, and it’s a big deal for your relationships. Whether you’re happily single or involved, this entire month is about reassessing the way you want to give and receive love. Also note: exes could show up unexpectedly, or you might pine for that lover who got away. Be a bit careful about who you fall for now, because you might just change your mind again later this spring.

Your planetary ruler Venus stations retrograde for the first time since the summer of 2023, and that’s a big deal for you, Taurus. With the planet of beauty in reverse motion in your subconscious sector and later in your friendship zone, you’re able to reevaluate the deep relational patterning you were imparted with as a child, and how it motivates you to form bonds with others. A startling full moon/lunar eclipse lands in your love zone on March 14. As Mercury retrograde begins in your dream zone within 24 hours of this eclipse, insomnia and agitation are very possible, so keep all those calming modalities on tap.
The spring equinox lightens things up on March 20, but with another powerful eclipse in your subconscious sector on March 29, your psyche could still feel a bit fragile. If you need to book extra sessions with your therapist this month, go for it—there is so much to process.
Career and Money:
When Mercury conjoins your ruler Venus on March 11, you get a sweet opportunity to express important ideas and objectives before the communication planet stations retrograde a few days later. This is the best day to send off those emails, texts, and Slack messages to colleagues. Also, clear your desktop before things get mega-messy and the brain rot sets in.
Love and Relationships:
The mid-month lunar eclipse hits your romance zone, helping you to release any emotional angst that’s built up around dating, mating, and relating during the last six months. It may not feel comfy or cute, but consider it a necessary purge before you merge with a lover.

This messy, messy month puts the focus on your career and social ties, Gemini. With your tenth and eleventh houses getting so much attention, what you say and do out there in the world is what matters most. The sun starts in your status sector, elevating your work. But on March 1, as Venus retrograde begins in your friends’ zone, things start to get a little weird and possibly awkward in the group text. A current friend may inadvertently reveal that they don’t share your values, causing you to reconsider whether you’re meant to be besties. On the other hand, it could bring back an old friend or acquaintance that you’ve dearly missed.
The lunar eclipse in your home zone at mid-month can amp up your anxiety in the domestic scene, especially because it happens just 24 hours before your ruler Mercury stations retrograde in your social zone. If possible, do and say less. Staying cool, calm, collected and hydrated is your best strategy now. The solar eclipse hits the same part of your chart on March 29, bringing both beginnings and endings. What you’ve been considering all month long could come to fruition, marking the start of a beautiful friendship or the necessary completion of a social contract that’s no longer serving you.
Career and Money:
The great news this month is that Mars is full steam ahead in your money zone. But with both Venus and Mercury in reverse mention in your networking zone, it’s necessary to do some serious review of your shared professional values and the way that you communicate them. Opportunities, bosses, and projects from your past can present themselves again, so do check your LinkedIn.
Love and Relationships:
This is one of those months when friends can become lovers, and lovers can prove that they’re true friends—or fail that test completely. Venus retrograde is in your 11th house through March 27, so you’re on a journey to find out whether your romantic partner is also bestie material.

Pisces season offers you a sweet side order of emotional equilibrium, Cancer. The sun’s presence in your sister water sign is a positive place to start from. Plus, you’re just hitting your stride as March begins because Mars is finally moving forward in your sign as of late last month. But, with Venus retrograde beginning in your career zone straight out of the gate, it’s time to do a deep review of your professional values.
The lunar eclipse in your talking and thinking zone hits mid-month and paired with Mercury’s retrograde in your status sector, the potential for miscommunication at work is pretty high. Cross all your T’s and dot your I’s at the office, and re-read all emails before you hit send. The sun enters your career sector on March 20, followed by a powerful solar eclipse in the same part of your chart on March 29. By the end of the month, you might feel completely different about your status than you did at the start of March. You could go from feeling like a shy crab in your shell to a loud and assertive voice on the world stage. Get out there and let them see you, Cancer.
Career and Money:
With such an intense, relentless focus on your professional zone with two retrogrades and an eclipse there this month, it might be challenging to think about your professional future. But this is precisely what’s available month, all month long. Even if there are confusing stumbles and you have to backtrack a bit, you’re actually figuring out what you’re meant to do, not just what you have to do.
Love and Relationships:
On March 8, the sun in your travel and adventure zone makes a soft, sweet trine to Mars in your sign, and it’s very, very sexy. This is “weekend away with bae” energy. Even if you can do a mini-staycation or an at-home date night, this moment is rife with romance.

As March begins, your ruling luminary brightens your sexuality sector, bringing major transformation to your intimate relationships. But with Venus retrograde loud and proud in your ninth house of philosophy, your worldview could shift in major ways. You’re about to find something to believe in, Leo, and it could change your entire life. The lunar eclipse in your second house could bring big, emotional changes to your relationship with your self-worth. It may be that seeing the world in a brand-new way brings a reckoning with the concept of self-love. Mercury retrograde begins in Aries, your sister fire sign, the next day, bringing yet more energy to the ongoing revision of your belief systems.
After the spring equinox on March 20, the sun enters your adventure zone, making you bold, bombastic, and courageous. Yet the new moon/solar eclipse on March 29 is both a beginning and an ending for long-held philosophical stances. If something about your worldview was shattered earlier this month, this is when you might find something new and powerful to believe in again.
Career and Money:
The full moon in your financial zone on March 14 could bring a significant shift to your relationship with money. It might be that a new source of income is within reach, but you have to give up a job or side hustle you’re unsatisfied with to make that happen.
Love and Relationships:
When the sun in your sexuality sector meets up with dreamy Neptune at the final degree of Pisces on March 19, your lust could be off the charts. It’s mixed with a heady brew of romance and imagination, so let your fantasy life be wild and free.

March isn’t kidding around, Virgo. With the sun in your opposite sign, Venus retrograde in your transformation zone, a lunar eclipse in your sign, and Mercury also stationing retrograde, you might feel like you’re in a cosmic crucible of epic proportions. Relationships take center stage early in the month, with Pisces season in full effect. But with Venus moving in reverse in your sexuality sector from the beginning of the month, intimacy could be equally intense and intimidating. And then, at mid-month, there is a powerful full moon/lunar eclipse in your very own sign, just 24 hours before your planetary ruler Mercury stations retrograde. Lay as low as possible on the weekend of March 14 to 16, because your nervous system will likely need tending to.
The spring equinox ushers the sun into your transformation zone, and a powerful new moon/solar eclipse lands in this part of your chart on March 29. This is when the crucial lessons about intimacy learned earlier in the month can crystalize into action. As Neptune finally leaves your relationship zone after a 14-year stay on March 30, the illusions, delusions, and outsized expectations you’ve carried about partnership might begin to clear away like a fog evaporating. That clarity may be jarring at first, but it will serve you well in the long run.
Career and Money:
With so much planetary energy and two retrogrades in your house of debt this month, you may want to figure out both what you owe and what you’re owed. Before your ruler Mercury stations retrograde, during the first two weeks of March, consider doing an accounting of your credit card debt, and if you haven’t already done it—get your taxes filed.
Love and Relationships:
When your ruler Mercury conjoins Venus in your sexuality sector on March 11, consider having that important conversation with a partner. If your sex life has stalled, this is the moment to rejuvenate it with a mix of authentic communication about your emotions and flirtatious, sexy banter. But that all feels like too much, just send a simple sext or a nude.

With the sun in your work and wellness zone, as the new month begins, you’re focused on the daily rituals that make your life run like a well-oiled machine. But, with your planetary ruler Venus stationing retrograde in your relationship zone on March 1, doing things the “normal” way could be next to impossible. Slowing down and reassessing is a form of self-care, so don’t neglect this kind of careful self-examination in favor or ticking off boxes.
The full moon/lunar eclipse hits your subconscious sector on March 14, just 24 hours before Mercury retrograde begins in your relationship zone. Communication with your partner could seem next to impossible now, with two planets retrograde in this part of your horoscope, so be extra careful with the words you choose. The spring equinox on March 20 ushers the sun into your relationship zone as well, and with a powerfully intense new moon/solar eclipse here on March 29, it might feel like partnership issues take up all the oxygen in the room. Where do you fit into this, Libra? Resolve to make space for yourself during the next six months, whether you’re single or attached.
Career and Money:
When the sun in your daily work zone vibes with mighty Mars in your career zone on March 8, you’ll get the best day of the month to next-level professional pursuits. This is that rare moment when the minutiae of your schedule can line up perfectly with your most outsized ambitions.
Love and Relationships:
The magical Venus cazimi in your relationship zone on March 22 can be a moment of utter clarity for you about a current partnership or give you closure about a past lover. More than anything else, this helps solidify what you truly desire, rather than who you think you’re supposed to be to please others.

The sweet side of Pisces season is evident as the month begins, thanks to the sun’s presence in your creativity zone. But the more interesting story emerges from Venus retrograde in your sixth house of work and wellness. This encourages you to slow all the way down in your daily life, Scorpio. It’s time to focus on your values and whether your lived life—your day-to-day activities—live up to your values. If your work is unfulfilling, or your life outside of work is currently less than meaningful, it may be time to make a big change.
As the full moon/lunar eclipse hits your social zone on March 14, you’re also reevaluating the nature of your friendships. You might experience a bit of drama with one of your besties at mid-month, or come to a resolution about a breakdown in your friendship over the last six months. With Mercury retrograde beginning within 24 hours of this eclipse, try to have any important conversations in person or voice-to-voice. Whatever you do, don’t text about it! The sun enters your sixth house of ritual at the equinox on March 20, followed by a powerful new moon/solar eclipse in this part of your chart on March 29. Mark this moment by letting go of the most stressful elements of your daily life from the last few years and invite in a schedule that provides ample health and happiness.
Career and Money:
This entire month invites you into a rebuilding process around work as a concept and a lived experience. Especially after Mercury retrograde begins mid-month, miscommunication with co-workers is possible, along with errors on the job, whether made by you or colleagues. You might inadvertently show up late to a meeting, but ask yourself: do I really want to be here in the first place?
Love and Relationships:
Venus retrograde enters a new phase on March 27, when the love planet re-enters your romance zone. You might find yourself ruminating on past relationships, wondering about past lovers, and obsessively scrolling exes’ Instagram feed. If an old lover slides into your DMs, proceed with caution, no matter how tempted you are.

You’re wavering between domestic responsibilities and wild fun this month, Sagittarius. With the sun in your home and family zone and Venus retrograde in your fifth house of romance and pleasure, there’s a little bit of a seesaw situation happening in your world as the month begins. There is a powerful review in process in and around your love life, and it’ll last through mid-April. Once Mercury joins Venus in reverse on March 14, miscommunication with your lover (or even an ex) could become problematic, so re-read your texts to bae before you hit send. An explosive lunar eclipse hits your status sector the next day, bringing the potential for big changes, including the next-leveling of a project you’ve worked on for the last six months.
The spring equinox arrives on March 20, ushering the sun into Aries, your sister fire sign, joining the pileup of personal planets here. This is a boost to your creativity and your dating life, but this is also where things continue to be wildly confusing. And the new moon/solar eclipse here on March 29 could inspire whatever comes next, suddenly and without warning. The stars are ready to change you, but are you ready to be changed by the stars?
Career and Money:
The full moon in your career zone on March 14 is a wow moment for your professional life. You’re facing the prospect of a major shift, whether that means moving up in your current company or entirely changing the field you’re in. The key is taking things as slowly as possible and not making any major moves until the dust settles.
Love and Relationships:
On March 22, Venus and the sun come together in a cazimi (when a planet aligns with the sun)—exactly conjoining in your fifth house, a rare and special event that marks the midpoint of Venus retrograde. An aha moment about your love life could suddenly erupt, something that you feel like you have to act on immediately. If possible, wait to take action until after Venus stations direct in mid-April.

Pisces season is a lovely time for you to talk, think, and text like a pro, but this one is a little bit messy, Capricorn. With Venus retrograde tilting backward through your home zone from March 1, you might be so busy reevaluating family issues and living arrangements that you have to put your domestic life before everything else for a minute. When a seriously powerful full moon/lunar eclipse hits your ninth house of travel on March 14, you might need to reschedule a trip or schedule a trip you weren’t planning for.
Within 24 hours of the eclipse, Mercury stations retrograde in your fourth house of home, joining Venus in reverse motion. This brings an additional layer of confusion to an already messy situation, reminding you that anything that goes awry with family, chosen family, or roommates is par for the course now, so try to spend extra time and effort attending to domestic responsibilities (and avoid starting any new redecorating or reno projects until after mid-April, if possible). The sun also enters this part of your chart on the equinox on March 20, and the sense of spring renewal should be palpable now. A new moon/solar eclipse on March 29 closes out the month in your home zone. By now, you should have a lot more clarity about next steps, but if you can, wait a few more weeks to see how everything shakes out.
Career and Money:
This is one of those months when you may spend a lot of time contemplating whether you want to WFH or would rather return to the office. When Venus in Aries sweetly sextiles Pluto in your money zone on March 21, you might have a powerful insight about how to make money from a side hustle that you can do from your bedroom.
Love and Relationships:
When the sun in your communication zone winks at passionate Mars in your house of one-to-one relationships on March 8, you get the very best moment of the month for romantic partnerships. You can keep things light and sexy or have a deep, meaningful conversation about your future.

This March is likely to change your mind, Aquarius; The sun in your financial zone has you focused on your bottom line, but what matters most is how you talk about it. That’s because Venus retrograde will begin in your third house of communication on the first day of the month, and there’s a major emphasis on this theme through April. On one hand, this offers you a healthy review of the way you speak and listen to others, especially anyone that you love. But on the other, there’s a lot of space for verbal landmines, so you’ll have to be vigilant about not putting your foot in your mouth.
An intense full moon/lunar eclipse lands in your house of deep change on March 14. This is all about emotional intimacy, a subject that’s not always easy for you, but you may be compelled to make space for your own vulnerability now. The very next day, Mercury retrograde begins in your communication zone, joining already retrograde Venus. This is when it becomes even more important to review your outgoing emails and texts and avoid combative conversations, because they might come back to bite you. After the equinox on March 20, you’re getting closer to figuring out how to express yourself with conviction and clarity without hurting anyone in the vicinity. And by the time the new moon/solar eclipse in Aries arrives on March 29, you may be ready to deliver a message you’ve been composing in your head all month.
Career and Money:
The sun conjoins serious Saturn, your traditional planetary ruler, on March 12 in your money zone. It may feel a bit heavy, but making clear, practical decisions about earning and spending is precisely what you need now. This is the best day of the month to create a budget you can stick to.
Love and Relationships:
Venus retrograde can function as a kind of couple’s therapy for you and a partner, teaching you how to talk to each other in your own individual love languages. And even if you’re currently flying solo, you can use this entire phase to explore healthy ways to better understand and communicate your feelings, even if it’s just about some light, innocent flirting.

Happy birthday, Pisces! Your dreamy, glam season is back, and it’s more escapist than ever. You can thank Venus retrograde starting on March 1 for the extra dose of starry-eyed confusion. The planet of love will be in reverse motion in your money zone through March 27, when it returns to your sign, spending its final few weeks back in Pisces. This is not the best month to make wild expenditures, so hold off on buying yourself a big-ticket birthday gift until mid-April if you can. (It’s okay to let others fete you properly, however.)
A powerful full moon/lunar eclipse hits your relationship zone on March 14, bringing a realization or shakeup to your partnership realm. The very next day, Mercury stations retrograde in your money zone, joining Venus. Now it’s not just about reevaluating your material values, but also about making careful, calculated decisions about earning and spending. Check your receipts, literally. The sun leaves your sign on the equinox on March 20, entering your second house of money, followed by the final solar eclipse in a series that’s hit this part of your chart since 2023. Making space for new resources might require leaving something behind, but you’ve done so much work to be self-sufficient that this should be all upside. Your modern ruler Neptune leaves your stars for the first time in fourteen years on March 30—and the lucidity could be palpable in the next few months.
Career and Money:
Amid so much chaos, you’ll appreciate the financial clarity you might suddenly seize on March 22, when the Venus cazimi visits your resources realm. This is a rare and important event in the trajectory of your relationship with money over the last eight years, Pisces. Think back to early 2017 and see how far you’ve come.
Love and Relationships:
When the sun in your sign makes an incredibly sweet and loving trine to mighty Mars in your love and romance zone on March 8, it’s your best option for date night all month. And it just happens to fall on a Saturday, so plan ahead if possible.
Looking for even more astrology insights? Read your full 2025 romance horoscope and your secret turn-ons.
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