It’s not just the stars and planets that can give you a heads-up on what’s about to happen—an energy forecast can also serve as a metaphysical roadmap for the month ahead. Think of it as a woo-woo weather report, which spiritual healers—like Alyson Charles (AKA RockStar Shaman)—can tap into, interpret, and share.
Want to know what the universe has in store this month? Keep reading for her cosmic divination for September—where she’ll prep you for what’s coming, equip you with the tools you need to handle it like a boss, plus share the spirit animal she says you’ll want to channel as a symbolic guide to help you on your path to self-actualization.
Last month we found ourselves at a crossroads, where one direction would bring us definite greater awakening and enlightenment. It was a time of initiation, a feeling of almost “popping” through and past old patterns and old stories, and being born out onto the other side.
September’s theme is “the lighted way,” and promises to work with these heightening levels of awakening and also mix in various magical essences. The first vision that presented itself for this forecast is that of a crystal ball filled various converging layers and energy fields, all mixing together and creating one, milky-colored, cloudy, yet ethereal and paradigm-shifting mix!
Have you been picking up on more awareness of what other people are thinking or feeling? Perhaps you have noticed more moments that feel surreal, synchronistic or “trippy.”
Another big way in which this vision is expressing itself pertains to the drastically thinning veil we have been experiencing and how the spiritual realms are beginning to fold into our physical realities more and more. Have you been picking up on more awareness of what other people are thinking or feeling? Perhaps you have noticed more moments that feel surreal, synchronistic or “trippy.” For me, my ability to feel and be at one with so many different realms at once has been incredible.
Keep reading for this month’s spirit animal, plus the crystals that will help you work with with what’s to come in September.

It’s a time for protection—and penguins
With the spiritual and Earth realms morphing more as one, one huge key that is of great importance is protection. As you rise in light, you must be more discerning of what you allow into your experience.
“Gifts” or opportunities may be presented to you but take a moment of pause with each one and truly see if this gift is aligned with your soul and embodying a level of light and love that you currently have or higher. Or would the “gift” actually be a detriment and lower your frequency?
With all the ways we have faced the shadow side of life, and grown because of it (especially last month), our ability to access deeper realms and sensitivities has become heightened. There may be moments of overwhelm, but do not despair—the animal totem who waddled its way in lovingly for September is the penguin.
Penguin reminds us there is divine order in what seems like chaos, and to take it one moment, one mindful breath, one step at a time.
Penguin reminds us there is divine order in what seems like chaos, and to take it one moment, one mindful breath, one step at a time. We must trust that our quantum leaps of faith—and a focused openness to imagination and epiphanies—will take us to a time of great celebration. Call in penguin to bring you the epiphanies your soul needs and the ability to handle it all with elegance and fortitude.

This is the month to talk it out
Lastly, conversations. Have them, go deeper than you ever have before with them, be more vulnerable and brave with them and let yourself find out things you have never known. As you’re able to be present with it, notice the light all around you and within you instantly coming more alive because you’re allowing yourself to hear the truth.
It is time to hear the truth—especially with familial matters and truly understanding lineage patterns.
It is time to hear the truth—especially with familial matters and truly understanding lineage patterns. This work is what many of us came to do. We are the shifters in the family lines and the ones healing age-old wounds and embarking upon a new light-filled way.
The mantra that presented itself to me is “seeing the truth opens your heart,” and right now we could use as many truth-seers and open-hearted light beings as possible.

It’s all about clothing, color, and crystals
Another energetic tip for support this month: Take pride in your appearance. This is not about pleasing others or putting on an external front to be applauded or to feel approved-of. It is the opposite—it has to do with going within and seeing your own beauty and bravery, and then selecting a style of dress and a way of carrying yourself that represents that. Let your expression of self be up-leveled.
Let your expression of self be up-leveled.
In addition to looking within, here are some pieces of hue and gem inspiration that are perfect complements for September’s energy:
Color: Yellow—it will keep your life force going, help heal psychic burnout, and give you more enjoyment for this new way of being.
Crystal: Smoky quartz (great for protection) and aquamarine, which reduces stress, assists you with your heightened sensitivities, and opens channels for heartfelt communication.
And finally, be curious about yourself and ask trusted friends if there are things you should be more aware of. There are entirely new ways of living being born, new aspects and versions of ourselves coming out. September brings us great mysticism, and I am excited to see all the ways in which you allow truth to come forth so you can shine like never before.
Alyson Charles, AKA RockStar Shaman, channels ancient, sacred knowledge and divine energy through her work as a wellness guide to celebrities and CEOs. Charles, a national champion runner and international TV and radio host, now uses her calling to shamanism to teach people how to awaken their power.
So, how did we get here? Do an end-of-summer catch-up on Charles’ past three energy horoscopes—for August, July, and June.
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