The new moon in Pisces on February 27 at 7:44 p.m. ET marks the final new moon before the astrological new year occurs next month. Most new moons are great for manifestation, but since this new moon is in Pisces (the final zodiac sign), it’s more about release and surrendering. New moons in Pisces invite you to create space to feel your big feelings—especially the ones you’ve ignored. This brings a profound moment of sensitivity to the surface and encourages you to lead with compassion. You never truly know what someone else is going through.
As the final zodiac sign, Pisces embodies all of the lessons, journeys, highs, and lows from the preceding zodiac signs that came before it. Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter, a planet of belief, faith, and spirituality. Pisces energy encourages us to lean into our faith in the unknown and to remember the universality of the human experience. Pisces leads with empathy because it knows we are all interconnected—our wins, struggles, joys, oppression, and opportunities. It can help us put ourselves in other people’s shoes and expand our perspective.
New moons in Pisces are a time of processing endings and closing out cycles, which can bring buried emotions to the surface. This is a critical time to lean on your spiritual practices or faith to ground yourself and facilitate healing. Remember that all endings create a portal for new beginnings. As you clear out what is no longer energetically aligned, you’re making space for new opportunities and connections to find you. Your fresh start is around the corner, so trust the process and go with the flow for now.
When is the new moon in Pisces?
The new moon in Pisces takes place on February 27 at 7:44 p.m. ET. This new moon will also bring up themes and topics that unfolded on February 20, when Mercury in Pisces met with Jupiter in Gemini.
What is the astrological meaning of a new moon?
A new moon occurs when the sun and moon align in the same zodiac sign, with the moon right between the Earth and the sun. The moon appears darkened in the night sky, barely visible beneath the Earth’s shadow.
This moon phase starts the monthly lunar cycle and symbolizes a time of releasing all that has reached its expiration date in your life—and starting fresh. New moons are considered lucky periods for setting intentions and goals.
What can you expect from the new moon in Pisces?
This year’s new moon in Pisces helps you connect with which areas of your life are stagnant and no longer in alignment. The new moon is making a harsh square to Jupiter in Gemini, the planet of growth and abundance. Typically, planetary connections to Jupiter spell celebration and abundance (and there could be some positive news or developments), but this time, it can help you reflect on how you’re ready to release or adjust your previous goals or beliefs. There could be a goal you set for yourself that you’ve outgrown, or maybe it just doesn’t light you up the same way it once did. This is an opportunity to pivot and pursue desires that align with who you’ve grown into and your value system.
The new moon also forms a helpful angle toward Mars in Cancer, giving you the emotional courage to take risks and put yourself out there. This is also an energizing aspect that can help you get things moving if you’ve felt stuck lately. The new moon itself is also co-present with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, and the North Node, all in Pisces. Although this isn’t technically an eclipse (because the sun and moon aren’t situated close enough to the North Node—a point on the ecliptic that determines eclipses and has to do with your fate and destiny), it still may feel quite impactful.
This new moon takes place two days before Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1 and one day before Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow period. Themes and topics that unfold under this new moon will be revisited once Mercury and Venus station retrograde in March, so pay attention to what captures your attention.
The new moon also takes place in the first decan of Pisces, which is associated with the Eight of Cups in the tarot. In the Eight of Cups, the figure in the card is moving on, heavy-hearted, but also knows that change is ultimately necessary to find the fulfillment they desire. There may be an ending or a need to let go and surrender to a situation you cannot control. The retrograde energy can bring up old situations or patterns you’ve glossed over in the past. Give yourself time to reflect and readjust. Change isn’t always easy, but Pisces knows it is one of the only guarantees in the universe. And when you choose to move with the changes instead of resisting them, that’s where you can find some unbelievable magic and the dreams you’ve been waiting for.
To understand how this supportive new moon will affect you, read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs. Then, adopt a unique self-care practice to help you navigate this lunation.
What will the new moon bring for every zodiac sign?

You’re coming to terms with what’s no longer working, Aries. The new moon lands in your 12th house of closure, healing, solitude, and rest. If you’re feeling exhausted and worn down, this is your moment to recalibrate. Spending time alone can also lead to new, exciting ideas and breakthroughs. Your intuition is busy sending you messages left and right, both in your dreams and while awake. You might also be focused on surrendering to a situation you cannot control and learning to let go of an old habit or pattern that no longer serves you. Give yourself space to process and feel any feelings associated with the major shifts unfolding in your life, and trust that a fresh start is around the corner (and so is your season)!
Your new moon self-care practice: Resist FOMO and spend time alone. Grounding your energy can help you feel recharged and find the clarity you’ve sought.

Your priorities are shifting, Taurus. The new moon activates your 11th house of hopes, dreams, friendship, community, and support. A new friend, especially someone at work, could enter your life when you least expect it. Maybe you grab dinner with a co-worker for the first time and notice that this is someone you’d like to spend more time with. This also helps you reflect on your current goals and aspirations—are they still in alignment? Could your plan or vision use a little updating? You could make a decision or learn news regarding a dream you have for your future. Maybe what you once considered a goal is changing in some way. This can also coincide with emotional or financial support—so be bold, stand up for your worth, and ask for that raise!
Your new moon self-care practice: Put yourself in a new social situation—whether it’s trying out Bumble BFF or a community class. Meeting new people can feel particularly energizing and inspiring right now.

You’re standing out, Gemini. The new moon moves through your tenth house of career, reputation, accomplishment, and milestones. Maybe you’re changing jobs or switching up goals you had for yourself. You could decide to go back to school, book some life-changing travel, or take a personal project more seriously. You’re ready to show the world a new side of yourself, and you can easily gain attention and admiration in the process. This is a time to be celebrated and to celebrate yourself. You might also make an exciting or big personal decision regarding a relationship or your living situation.
Your new moon self-care practice: Reflect on how far you have come and all you’ve accomplished. Think about how proud a past version of yourself would be if you knew you’d get here.

Your mind is wandering, Cancer! The new moon activates your ninth house of expansion, perspective, learning, and travel. You could be prone to overthinking under this new moon, but it can also be a fertile and exciting time to brainstorm and get lost in your imagination and creative mind. You could dream up a new idea you want to chase after or experience a life-altering realization through conversations with others. You’re starting to see the world and others around you with a new perspective. New discussions begin that feel expansive and hopeful. Perhaps you’re ready to commit to a new plan or even consider going back to school.
Your new moon self-care practice: Seek guidance from a trusted mentor or even a tarot deck.

You’re feeling a little sensitive, Leo. The new moon moves through your eighth house of vulnerability, shared resources, fears, shadow, and reciprocity. You’re reflecting more on the balance in your relationships and contracts. Where have you given too much of yourself away? Which relationships fill your cup and feel healthy and nourishing? Some relationships can deepen as you feel safe enough to open up and share all sides of yourself with another. This could also be a financial turning point, bringing on a new contract, or changing your relationship with debt and resources moving forward. You might also adjust a particular dream you’re focused on, funneling more time and energy toward it or backing off and considering alternative approaches.
Your new moon self-care practice: Lean on your network for support. Community is one of your strongest assets.

Your relationships are changing, Virgo. The new moon travels through your seventh house of one-on-one relationships and contracts, putting your closest ties under the spotlight. If romance is a priority, this could coincide with making a commitment or discussing the future with a lover. This can also bring new opportunities for collaboration into your world. You could meet and mingle with folks who have the potential to assist in bringing about some of your dreams and desires. You could see progress with some of your long-term vision or drastically change your life path, opting to move in another direction.
Your new moon self-care practice: Spend time with the people in your life you’re grateful for and let them know how much you appreciate them.

Something’s gotta give, Libra! The new moon activates your sixth house of responsibility, daily routine, and well-being. If you’ve felt overwhelmed, this new moon helps you set boundaries and ask for help. A solution to an ongoing problem could arise, especially if you decide to speak up. You’re also more aware of how your big and small daily habits shape your reality. You’re ready to make changes that are in alignment with your future self. You might also take on a new project, role at work, or daily commitment—whether helping out a family member in need or even signing up for an evening class and learning something new.
Your new moon self-care practice: Make a list of your bad habits and edit accordingly.

Your heart is expanding, Scorpio! The new moon lands in your fifth house of romance, pleasure, creativity, and joy. If you’re open to dating, this can be a great time to update your dating profile and put yourself back out there. You could also set your sights on a new creative project or personal goal that feels exciting and fulfilling. You’re ready to spend more of your free time focused on activities that lift you and bring you back to the present moment. This new moon could also coincide with lucky news, exploring your sexuality, or even making the decision to adopt a fur baby. This is also lovely energy for diving deep with someone special and for healing your inner child.
Your new moon self-care practice: Spend time doing a hobby you loved when you were younger.

You’re ready to move on from the past, Sagittarius. The new moon moves through your fourth house of home, family, and foundations. You might feel more tender and sentimental as you spend time with your chosen family or at home. You could find yourself combing through old photo albums or re-reading old text messages. This period of reflection can help you recognize which patterns in your life are helpful and which cycles and habits you’re ready to break free from. This new moon might also coincide with you deciding on your living situation or learning something important about a loved one.
Your new moon self-care practice: Journal about the first memory that comes to your mind. By reflecting on the past, you could find new insight that lends itself to your current reality.

It’s time to say what’s on your mind, Capricorn. The new moon activates your third house of communication, conversations, learning, and new vistas. Your mind is active, and you could come up with a new idea you want to invest your time and energy in or even make a decision about a potential contract or new opportunity. You might also have the urge to sign up for a class or spend more time learning a skill. This is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on how you speak to yourself—and you can change your mindset. If there’s a conversation you’ve been meaning to have, this new moon can help you reconnect with your voice and speak authentically.
Your new moon self-care practice: Write down your limiting beliefs. Cross them out one by one and replace them with a positive affirmation. Repeat daily!

You’re ready to get back on track with your finances, Aquarius. The new moon lands in your second house of income, resources, and possessions. You might start a new position or accept a raise or promotion around this time. You might also dream up a new way to support yourself. You may finally have the confidence to start a side hustle or project that can lead to extra cash. This energy is helpful for getting back on track with your budget and making purchases that bring more ease and comfort to your daily life. You’re also standing out; some long-overdue compliments for your hard work and talent could be on the way!
Your new moon self-care practice: Start your day with a gratitude practice and watch more abundance show up in your life.

You’re ready to start fresh, Pisces. The new moon moves through your first house of self, identity, personal goals, and new beginnings. This is a cosmically aligned moment to choose yourself. You can use this energy to start any new beginning in your life—whether it’s a new relationship, personal goal, or business opportunity. This energy helps you clear any old, outdated versions of yourself and step into your authentic self. You could learn news today that impacts you personally or have a personal realization, too.
Your new moon self-care practice: Play dress up! Experimenting with your style and self-expression can help you feel more embodied and confident.
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