November starts off with a clean slate thanks to the new moon in Scorpio on November 1. New moons are associated with both beginnings and endings, and no new moon encapsulates this principle better than one in Scorpio, the zodiac sign associated with alchemy, transformation, death, and rebirth. Under new moons in Scorpio, you’re encouraged to shed what no longer serves you (finally!) and embrace the unknown. So be sure to create space for new opportunities and aligned connections to enter your life.
Scorpio is known for its bravery and resourcefulness as it moves through the darkness and shadows. This is one of the most powerful zodiac signs and as the days continue to grow darker and the winter solstice approaches, our time, energy, and resources become more precious. This new moon is an opportunity to connect with your shadow side and face your fears: the magic often lies in what you’ve avoided doing.
As a fixed water sign, new moons in Scorpio have the potential to dig up deep feelings from the past. This isn’t as simple as crying it out and you’ll feel better—processing your feelings under this new moon may take time. This period invites you to spend time with your shadow side and the parts of yourself that you’ve rejected in the past. Grief, guilt, shame, and jealousy can all bubble up to the surface under these moonbeams. Ultimately, this new moon helps alchemize your past wounds to induce transformation—and reclamation of power.
When is the new moon in Scorpio?
The new moon in Scorpio perfects on November 1 at 8:47 a.m. ET.
What is the astrological meaning of a new moon?
A new moon happens when the sun and the moon line up in the same zodiac sign, with the moon right between the Earth and the sun. The moon appears darkened in the night sky, barely visible beneath the Earth’s shadow.
This moon phase starts the monthly lunar cycle and symbolizes a time of releasing all that has reached its expiration date in your life—and starting fresh. New moons are considered lucky periods for setting intentions and goals.
What can you expect from the new moon in Scorpio in November 2024?
This year’s new moon in Scorpio isn’t for the faint of heart. You can’t avoid your emotions when the moon moves through Scorpio and—under these moonbeams—tensions run high. The ruler of this new moon is Mars in Cancer and, at the time of this lunation, Mars is approaching an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. Mars and Pluto are two of the most explosive and destructive archetypes in the sky. When they come together, especially in opposition, you may feel at a crossroads or at odds with someone else.
People will be on edge, and themes of power and control will be underlying motives. Others may try to exert dominance over you at work or influence you to relinquish your own power. While this energy can be pretty competitive and combative, it can help empower you to confront issues you’ve avoided. Fortunately, the new moon forms a gentle and supportive connection with Saturn in Pisces, helping you approach matters with a reasonable and mature frame of mind. Confiding in people you trust and respect, like mentors or elders, can be helpful and healing under this new moon.
Moving through the first decan of Scorpio, this band of zodiac is associated with the Five of Cups in the tarot. (Each zodiac sign is divided into three decans, which adds details and nuance to that section of the zodiac’s experience and characteristics.) The image on this card has a figure looking downcast and surrounded by four empty cups. However, there is also one full cup behind this person, even though they are unaware of it.
At first glance, this image evokes feelings of loss or disappointment, but it warns us of not living in the present and what happens when one continually focuses on what they do not possess. They are subject to missing their blessings when they are obsessively thinking about what’s not working. This new moon may bring some harsh truths or confrontations to the forefront, but it also reminds you that most magic lies in the darkness. Having faith requires you to trust, which is one of Scorpio’s greatest lessons. To experience your next transformation, it’s worth considering the silver lining in whatever challenges arise under this new moon and spending time appreciating what is going right in your life.
To get a clearer picture of how this intense lunation will affect you, read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs. Then, pick up a unique self-care practice to help you move through this lunation with a little more steadiness.
What will the November 2024 new moon in Scorpio bring for every zodiac sign?

You’re ready to dive deep, Aries. The new moon moves through your eighth house of investments, reciprocity, intimacy, and shared resources. You may be testing out new levels of trust and vulnerability in a romantic relationship, or maybe you’re making a serious commitment with a new business partner. This can also be an important time to discuss financial expectations with roommates, lovers, and business contacts. Who is responsible for what, and are you on the same page regarding financial goals? Emotionally, you’re feeling more self-aware and ready to work on feelings you’ve avoided in the past. You can sense your rebirth is just around the corner.
Your new moon self-care practice
Practice being vulnerable and asking for help. Everyone knows you can handle a lot on your own, but you don’t have to.

You’re focused on a new relationship in your life, Taurus. The new moon activates your seventh house of partnerships and contracts. This can bring new significant connections into your life or cause you to reflect on relationships that have run their course. You may also meet someone influential through a friend or colleague who can encourage you to take the next step toward some of your goals. This can also be a busy time for collaboration—you’re drawing others to you, whether it’s clients, freelance work, or creative collaborations just for fun.
Your new moon self-care practice
Who do you rely on the most in your life? Plan a date to share how grateful you are for them.

You’re ready to feel more grounded, Gemini. The new moon lands in your sixth house of daily routine and responsibilities. If there’s a pesky bad habit you can seem to break, these moonbeams give you the wherewithal to make a lasting change. You could also begin a new cycle of gaining more attention at work for your effort and talent. This could also coincide with taking on a responsibility in your personal or professional life that might give you some temporary headaches but will enable you to reach your full potential and co-create your dream life with the universe.
Your new moon self-care practice
Change your habits—no matter how small—and watch your life change.

You’re craving more fun, Cancer! The new moon travels through your fifth house of pleasure, play, romance, and creativity. Perhaps you’re ready to take a hobby more seriously and decide to sign up for a class or workshop. This can also be a lucky time to shop around a manuscript or seek out others interested in your creative ideas. You may also explore your relationship with desire—maybe who you’re attracted to is shifting somehow. You’re having more luck with your conversations, you may be ready to commit to a romantic partner, and you have the determination required to stick with any ideas that come through.
Your new moon self-care practice
Let your creative mind and playful side take the lead. Inspiration will follow.

Your inner world is busy, Leo. The new moon activates your fourth house of family, private life, the past, and living situation. Maybe you’re ready to switch around furniture in your home to freshen up the vibes. There could also be some new developments in a relationship with a family member—maybe you’re expanding your family or moving in with a lover. This energy can be emotional, as it brings up the past. Ultimately, you’re ready to release who and what no longer serves you to create greater stability and security for your future.
Your new moon self-care practice
Declutter your space—and declutter your mind in the process.

The conversations you’re having feel supportive, Virgo. The new moon illuminates your third house of communication, learning, travel, and relationships with extended family and friends. Maybe you’re wiping the slate clean and settling a misunderstanding with a loved one, or someone you vibe with enters your life and has BFF potential. You can also come up with exciting ideas you want to pursue, put a plan into motion regarding a goal, discuss the future with a lover, or decide to go back to school. Your mind is active and craving new stimuli—so nurture it!
Your new moon self-care practice
Your mind is malleable under this new moon, so practice morning and evening affirmations to shift your mindset and potential.

Here comes a new work opportunity, Libra! The new moon moves through your second house of income, resources, possessions, and livelihood. Maybe you’re gaining more responsibility at work or signing a new contract. You could also commit to a new project or responsibility that boosts your confidence or attracts more eyes on your skills. You may also decide to make an important purchase today—something useful in your everyday life, like a new car, espresso machine, or a standing monthly massage appointment.
Your new moon self-care practice
Treat yourself. You work hard for your money, so you might as well make the most of it.

New moon, new you, Scorpio! The new moon travels through your first house of self, new beginnings, and personal goals. You have the stamina and determination to bring your visions to life. This can be a fun time to experiment with your style or to take a niche hobby a little more seriously. It’s time to start that TikTok account—you never know when you’ll go viral! You could also feel a little more tender and emotional as you shed old versions of yourself and work on embodying a more aligned and authentic version. News you learn today may affect you personally but also inspire you to head in a new direction.
Your new moon self-care practice
Prioritize making time for solitude and self-reflection. You’re almost ready to debut an updated version of yourself to the world.

You’re feeling tender, Sagittarius. The new moon lands in your 12th house of healing, closure, solitude, and intuition. This is a powerful moment for tuning into your dreams and any messages that come through while asleep, but also in your waking life as well. Connecting with ancestral practices and wisdom can help guide you and push past any areas where you’ve felt stuck. You’re also in a season of healing and letting go. Give yourself space to process any endings and focus on connecting with loved ones who make you feel safe and secure throughout this process.
Your new moon self-care practice
Commit to a practice that strengthens your intuition, and stop second-guessing your gut responses.

You’re shifting your focus, Capricorn. The new moon activates your 11th house of aspirations, belonging, allies, and fans. A new goal or dream has caught your attention, and you’re ready to devise a plan to help bring it to life. You may also agree to a new collaborative project, or perhaps an acquaintance connects you with someone who enables you to get a step closer to your dream job. You may also notice that some friendships begin to solidify and deepen. Perhaps you’re growing closer to a new group of people and feeling grateful for this sense of community.
Your new moon self-care practice
Focus on finding your people. Join others who share similar interests, whether it’s joining a meet-up group or signing up for a weekend class.

A new professional path and chapter opens up for you, Aquarius. The new moon moves through your tenth house of career, reputation, milestones, and accomplishments. You may not resonate with what you once wanted for yourself, and you’re ready to take the first step toward a more fulfilling career path or goal. It’s also possible you’re stepping into a promotion or leaving a job. This can coincide with an exciting moment in your life—like getting engaged, deciding to move, changes with your family, or even adopting a fur baby. Ultimately, your choices today will feel authentic and boost your self-esteem.
Your new moon self-care practice
Try making a vision board to hone in on what desires you want to chase after next.

New adventures are on the horizon, Pisces! The new moon illuminates your ninth house of communication, learning, perspective, and travel. Maybe you’re finally ready to speak your desires out loud or pitch someone important on an idea you want to pursue. This is a vital time for connecting with your voice, asking for what you want, or sharing your vision with others. Conversations can also change your perspective or help you devise a plan to bring some of your goals into the material realm. You may also decide to go back to school to pursue a new calling or book travel for one of your bucket-list destinations.
Your new moon self-care practice
Grab a journal and try automatic writing. Spending time with your own voice can help you sort through your thoughts and ideas.
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