Your weekly horoscope for February 9 to 15, 2025, starts with a major revelation. On February 9, the sun in Aquarius meets with Mercury in Aquarius at the same point in the sky, which typically coincides with a moment of clarity. You could solve a problem or have a particularly illuminating conversation. This is a moment to listen to your intuition and to speak your mind. On the same day, on February 9, Mars retrograde in Cancer teams up with Saturn in Pisces, lending you the determination and stamina to get the job done—whatever it may be. When Mars and Saturn come together in a supportive manner, you can also make progress on tedious tasks. Your ability to focus improves, so make the most of it!
Conversations are anything but ordinary when Mercury in Aquarius slams into Uranus in Taurus on February 10. Information can feel jarring, inspiring, or even shocking. You could also interact with some interesting or eccentric personalities today or have plans that differ from your routine in some way.
The following day, on February 11, the sun in Aquarius comes crashing into Uranus in Aquarius, revealing more news or information on whatever events transpired the day prior. You could also be in a mood to take risks. You’re pushing back against the status quo and not afraid to stand out. Occasionally, this can stir up power struggles with authority figures—you feel independent and feisty!
A full moon in Leo on February 12 bakes some of this Uranian energy into it, bringing another layer of shock, drama, and surprises. This is your yearly reminder to take up space and to show up unapologetically as yourself. It’s also a powerful reminder to reflect on how you can use your unique gifts and talents to make a positive impact on the collective. You’re meant to shine, so don’t hide away or play small! Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Pisces on February 14 and encourages you to make decisions based on your feelings and intuition. You tend to assume others know what you’re thinking (which isn’t always the case), so don’t be afraid to overcommunicate. The next few weeks are also a necessary time to stay firm with your boundaries.
Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full February 2025 monthly horoscope, or look at your 2025 romance horoscope.
Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope:
- Sunday, February 9: Sun in Aquarius conjunct Mercury in Aquarius
- Sunday, February 9: Mars retrograde in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces
- Monday, February 10: Moon enters Leo
- Monday, February 10: Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
- Tuesday, February 11: Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
- Wednesday, February 12: Full moon in Leo
- Wednesday, February 12: Moon enters Virgo
- Thursday, February 14: Mercury enters Pisces
- Saturday, February 15: Moon enters Libra

You’re hit with a wave of inspiration, Aries, thanks to the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, teaming up on February 9. You could negotiate a new contract or agree to a collaborative project that helps bring one of your dreams to life. This energy is also very supportive for having a heart-to-heart with a friend, finding or nurturing a new group, or meeting someone influential through networking.
You could run into a friend unexpectedly when Mercury in Aquarius bumps into Uranus in Taurus on February 10. This can also disrupt your friendships. Maybe a friend speaks out of turn and shocks you with what they say. You could also hear from someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Interactions with others can feel anything from jarring, odd, exciting, or even inspiring.
Setting boundaries is the key to your success once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. You could feel like you’re walking a fine line trying to balance all of your responsibilities and commitments at once. This is an important reminder to ask for help, slow down, and remember it’s OK to say “no.” Your intuition also gets a boost when you spend time alone, which can lead to intriguing ideas and revelations.

You’re feeling certain about your next move, Taurus, once the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, link up on February 9. This is also your moment to take up space and celebrate yourself. You’re standing out amongst your peers; others are curious about you and drawn to your natural talent. There could be a lot of movement regarding some milestones you’re working on, or maybe you will receive news worth celebrating today.
Your day is full of shock and awe when the sun in Aquarius slams into Uranus in Taurus on February 11. You may be the one surprising others with how you show up and what you decide to share today. But it’s all for a good reason—you’re staying true to yourself in the process. This could bring changes to your professional life, key relationships, or living situation. You may also have a sudden urge to pursue a new goal or calling!
New friendships are your focus once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. You’re in a social mood and want to spend time with friends. You know surrounding yourself with people with similar interests and values will be recharging and inspiring. You’re in the mood to foster and nurture the community around you, as well as network. You could also learn news regarding one of your dreams for the future.

Conversations leave you feeling hopeful, Gemini, when the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, join together on February 9. You could make amends or come to an agreement with someone that brings relief. Perhaps you’re signing a contract, making a commitment, or making a decision to go back to school. You’re feeling adventurous and excited about what comes next. Ideas and impulses that come through today can bring you closer to some of your dreams.
You could feel more exhausted when Mercury in Aquarius crashes into Uranus in Taurus on February 10. This is not the day to pressure yourself to be in a million places at once. While you could receive a fun invitation from a friend, slowing down and spending some time alone may be exactly what the doctor ordered. You could also experience an unexpected shake-up in your daily routine or have a random breakthrough when you least expect it.
You’re making decisions about your life path once Mercury enters Pisces on February 14. Maybe you’re negotiating a raise or a new job and benefits. There could also be a new goal or focus that’s captured your attention, and you’re eager to come up with a plan. There could be lots of news or information you’re learning about your work or even receiving compliments for a job well done!

Your finances are on your mind, Cancer, when the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, link up on February 9. You may have a serious conversation about shared resources and financial expectations with a roommate, business partner, or lover. This could also be a turning point in your finances. You may receive a new contract or pay off a chunk of debt.
You could learn some secrets when Mercury in Aquarius meets with Uranus in Taurus on February 10. You might also feel more vulnerable and share some of your private life and feelings with someone you trust. Conversations can feel out of left field but also healing and liberating. Try to avoid making any major financial decisions today, if possible.
Thanks to Mercury entering Pisces on February 14, new ideas and inspiration flood your mind. Conversations that begin around this time can feel exciting and promising. You could also start to travel more, or maybe there’s an online class you want to sign up for. You’re craving new experiences and connections with different people. This is a great time to push yourself outside your routine and comfort zone.

You’re having a heart-to-heart with someone special, Leo, when the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, team up on February 9. Maybe you’re discussing the future with a lover or signing a dream contract. One thing’s for certain: Your focus is on a meaningful relationship or collaborative opportunity. Singles could also use this moment to define the relationship with someone they’re dating. This energy is also helpful for getting back on the same page as anyone important in your life, like a roommate, family member, or BFF.
Intriguing developments in your relationships unfold a few days later, on February 11, when the sun in Aquarius slams into Uranus in Taurus. This energy could lead to an unexpected breakup for some, but for others, it could look like experimenting and trying something new with a partner. Interactions with others today can feel a little surprising, and you could also receive unexpected news about your work or a professional opportunity,
A new contract or commitment could be on the table once Mercury enters Pisces on February 14. This is helpful energy for negotiating your worth. You could also be more focused on your finances and coming up with a plan to pay debt or getting your paperwork to pay your taxes. Emotionally, you’re feeling bold and daring enough to confront some of the feelings you’ve avoided in the past. This can help set you free and clear out the energetic clutter holding you back.

There’s a change in your routine, Virgo, when the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, meet up on February 9. Maybe you receive help for a work project that’s wearing you down, or someone helps you devise a solution to a problem in your personal life. This energy can also help you set boundaries and resolve petty conflicts and misunderstandings. If you want to change a habit, you could also develop a new approach that has lasting effects.
Some unforeseen circumstances could arise, or a random event could take up most of your attention on February 10 when Mercury in Aquarius bumps into Uranus in Taurus. This is not the day to hold yourself to a tight schedule or to feel down on yourself if you can’t cross everything off your to-do list. Unexpected events can pop up and disrupt your plans, so go with the flow as best as possible.
Love, reciprocity, and commitment are on your mind once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. You could be ready to discuss the future with a lover, or someone you love is coming to you for advice and support. More of your mental energy is going into your close relationships, and you prefer one-on-one time versus group hangouts over the coming weeks. New contracts and collaborative opportunities could also show up.

A first date could lead to something more, Libra, when the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, link up on February 9. You could go on a date and feel a spark! You could also have a surge of creative inspiration and the confidence to put your ideas and talents out there. You have an extra dose of luck on your side and can use it as you see fit. Conversations today also leave you feeling hopeful about the future.
You could find a new hobby that takes you by surprise when the sun in Aquarius rams into Uranus in Taurus on February 11. You might find a new obsession overnight and want to sign up for a class or pour more of your energy into learning something new. You could also experience some unexpected vulnerable moments in your romantic relationships. People are wearing their hearts on their sleeves!
It’s time to make some adjustments to your daily routine once Mercury enters Pisces on February 14. You’re juggling a lot in your personal and professional life, and to keep up, you’ve got to reassess your lifestyle and habits. You may need to set some boundaries and be proactive about carving out time for self-care in the coming weeks.

You’re having a revelation regarding your past, Scorpio, when the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, meet up on February 9. This can put you in a more tender and sensitive mood as you spend time with your old memories. You could also learn important news regarding a family member or living situation. You’re spending more time paying attention to what’s been left unsaid. Your intuition is strong, so listen to those gut impulses.
You could unearth a family secret when the sun in Aquarius bumps into Uranus in Taurus on February 11. This could also have you running into a family member when you least expect it or learning something surprising out of the blue. This could also manifest as a sudden change at home—like a broken water heater or a roommate deciding to move out at the last minute.
You’re consciously making your joy more of a priority once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. The next few weeks encourage you to let your inner child and teen call the shots. You want to focus on creative projects that make you feel alive and grateful. If romance is on your mind, you can ignite the spark with a lover or meet someone of interest.

Conversations are illuminating, Sagittarius, when the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, link up on February 9. You could experience a moment of clarity or have a new, bright idea you want to follow up on. If you’ve been focusing on limiting beliefs, this can also help you shake them and shift your mindset. Your assignment today is to speak your truth, and from your heart!
You’re learning some shocking news when Mercury in Aquarius bumps into Uranus in Taurus on February 10. Conversations can feel jarring, liberating, or even inspiring! It’s also possible you want to break free from some of your daily burdens and responsibilities to make more time for fun in your everyday life. Maybe you want to join a local community group or attend more social events—you’re in the mood to put yourself out there!
You’re reflecting more on the past once Mercury enters Pisces on February 14. You could suddenly be overwhelmed with interest in your family’s lineage and ancestors. This is a great time to ask loved ones about memories or explore ancestral traditions if you can access that information. You could also reflect more on your current living situation, decide to reorganize your space, or do a deep purge of your home and belongings.

You’ve got a new money-making idea, Capricorn, once the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, team up on February 9. This could coincide with a job offer, or you may take a risk and apply for a dream job. You might also have a new bright idea you want to pursue that could make you some extra cash. Others might also compliment your talent and gifts, boosting your confidence.
It’s time to get your finances in order when the sun in Aquarius bumps into Uranus in Taurus on February 11. If you’ve been swiping your credit card freely, you may become more aware of some of the damage. This energy encourages impromptu purchases, but it’s best to avoid major financial decisions today, if possible.
Important conversations begin once Mercury enters Pisces on February 14. This is a wonderful day to tell someone you love or appreciate them. Your mind is also busy and curious, making it an ideal time to collaborate with others, negotiate new contracts, and even learn something new over the coming weeks.

You haven’t felt this confident in a while, Aquarius, and it’s all thanks to the sun and Mercury, both in your sign, meeting up on February 9. This planetary pairing helps you feel certain about whatever personal decision you want to make next. Whether it’s committing to a lover, accepting a new job, or deciding to set a new goal for yourself—you’ve got luck and inspiration on your side to come up with a plan. Conversations with others are also very personal and revealing.
You’re shocking others, and it feels good when the sun, in your sign, clashes into Uranus in Taurus on February 11. This is your moment! You’re born to stand out, and today, you aren’t afraid to let your freak flag fly. You could shock a few people along the way, but you’re done playing small to make others comfortable. Take a risk and watch the blessings follow!
A potential raise or promotion may be in the works once Mercury moves into Pisces on February 14. You’re also in the mood to devise new ways to resource yourself. Maybe you want to launch a personal website or start a side hustle. If you’re considering asking for a raise or applying for a job, now is the time to put yourself out there.

Important clues and messages arrive through your dreams, Pisces, when the sun and Mercury, both in Aquarius, link up on February 9. You could also have a dream that feels so vivid and real, or even a visitation from a loved one who has crossed over. You’re more enchanted by and connected to the unconscious realm. Your intuition is also begging for your attention, and when you choose to listen, major breakthroughs and guidance you’ve been waiting for can show up.
You could learn an intriguing secret or find a sudden solution to a problem you’ve been dealing with when Mercury in Aquarius rams into Uranus in Taurus on February 10. Conversations are surprising, and people share their best-kept secrets with you. It’s also possible you’re feeling a little more exhausted than usual. You could receive a fun invite from friends, but opt for staying in and catching up on rest when you need it most. Listen to your body!
It’s time to focus on yourself once Mercury enters your sign on February 14. This is your cosmic reminder that spending time on your dreams and goals is not selfish. You could also learn some news that feels personal or helps to inform the next decision you want to make on your life path. In the next few weeks, you will also have an easier time setting boundaries and putting yourself first.
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