Here comes a fresh start, thanks to your weekly horoscope for March 16 to 22, 2025! The week starts off with the sun in Pisces connecting with the North Node in Pisces on March 17. The North Node, a point on the ecliptic associated with your fate and destiny, focuses on where your soul is headed next. When it links up with the sun—your identity and purpose—it can coincide with revelations and decisions regarding your life path. People you meet and opportunities that pop up might feel fated and meant to be!
A few days later, on March 19, the sun in Pisces teams up with Neptune in Pisces, and you might be in need of a good cry. This can heighten your sensitivity and also weaken your boundaries. It’s easier to feel untethered today, so proactively engaging in practices that help you feel grounded and regulate your nervous system can be helpful. Interactions with others can also be deep and compassionate. You might also notice it’s harder to focus, so take the pressure off of yourself to be productive. Your worth is not defined by how much you do!
On March 20, the sun enters Aries, which coincides with the Astrological New Year and the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the most cosmically aligned time of the year to set new intentions and goals for yourself. So, if you had trouble sticking with your New Year’s resolutions, don't beat yourself up! Aries season also infuses you with courage, passion, and the confidence to go after who and what you desire! It’s time to embody the most authentic version of yourself and put yourself out there.
The following day, on March 21, Venus retrograde in Aries mingles with Pluto in Aquarius, adding some depth to your relationships. This will bring you back to February 7—the last time Venus and Pluto met—so similar themes, feelings, and topics might reemerge. You could revisit conversations from around that time. This is a powerful time to reflect on your values, creative desires, and needs in your closest relationships. There’s a last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22 that brings you back to the full moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13. This is a period of reflection and release. You’re shedding what no longer serves you, and this is an important moment to go inward. Your long-term goals or what once felt meaningful for you might shift in a profound way.
The week wraps up with the sun in Aries connecting with Mercury retrograde in Aries on the same day, March 22. This marks the halfway point of Mercury retrograde and can also bring some temporary relief. This can coincide with a revelation, important decision, or understanding your personal retrograde story a little better. You’re also feeling empowered to speak your truth and courageous to stand up for what you believe.
Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full March 2025 monthly horoscope or your 2025 romance horoscope.
Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope:
- Monday, March 17: Moon enters Scorpio
- Monday, March 17: Sun in Pisces conjunct North Node in Pisces
- Wednesday, March 19: Moon enters Sagittarius
- Wednesday, March 19: Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces
- Thursday, March 20: Sun enters Aries
- Friday, March 21: Venus retrograde in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius
- Saturday, March 22: Moon enters Capricorn
- Saturday, March 22: Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn
- Saturday, March 22: Sun in Aries conjunct Mercury retrograde in Aries

You’re receiving divine downloads, Aries, when the sun in Pisces links up with the North Node in Pisces on March 17. Your dreams might be more vivid or even feel real. You are also able to tap into your subconscious and become more aware of patterns, situations, and people in your life that you’re ready to release. This revelation can bring up big feelings, but also feel liberating as you feel brave enough to venture toward the unknown and the possibilities that lie ahead of you.
It’s your season and you’re the main character once the sun enters your sign on March 20! The next few weeks give you a cosmic invitation to put yourself first, start new projects, and embody the most authentic version of yourself. This can bring important people into your life and also give you a confidence boost. You might also feel like experimenting with your style. Your manifestation powers are at an all-time high, so make the most of them!
There’s a last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22 that encourages you to release other people’s expectations for your life. You’re recognizing that people-pleasing isn’t getting you anywhere, and this can help you make changes that bring you in alignment with your own purpose. You’re ready to put your goals and yourself first.

You could sign a new contract, Taurus, when the sun and North Node, both in Pisces, team up on March 17. Maybe you learn some exciting news regarding one of your aspirations, or a friend puts you in touch with someone who can help bring your dreams to life. People you meet and mingle with today can also feel fated and karmic. You might also decide to explore a new community or volunteer at an organization that’s meaningful to you.
You’re ready to slow down once the sun moves into Aries on March 20. The next few weeks will help you find a healthier work-life balance. You’re getting a lesson in setting boundaries, and you may require more alone time than normal. You’re also more tapped into your own subconscious and reflecting on the changes you can make in your daily life to support your long-term desires and goals.
A conversation could change it all under the last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22. You could experience a shift of perspective or maybe there’s a turning point in a negotiation or contract. You might also consider turning to a divination or spiritual practice to seek answers and guidance.

You’re making a fated decision about your life path, Gemini, when the sun and North Node, both in Pisces, link up on March 17. You could receive a job of your dreams or maybe you choose to walk away from a position that doesn’t feel fulfilling. This can also encourage you to pursue your passion and put you in touch with people who feel fated, as well.
You’re in a social mood once the sun moves into Aries on March 20. The next few weeks fill up your calendar with fun plans, and you’re craving more connection in your life. This can also be an exciting time to make progress on some of your goals. You might also meet new friends by trying out hobbies that interest you. You’re also connecting with your voice and are eager to make a difference in the world by sharing your beliefs far and wide!
The last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22 helps you reconsider who and what you pour your energy into. If you’ve felt like some of your relationships are one-sided, this is an important moment to call out those dynamics or walk away from contracts and connections that leave you feeling underappreciated and depleted.

Here comes a pivotal moment of clarity, Cancer, when the sun and North Node, both in Pisces, team up on March 17. Conversations and decisions you make today can feel fated. You’re also learning new things that capture your attention and help you see the world around you in new ways. You might also land an opportunity to share your expertise with a wider audience.
The spotlight is on you once the sun enters Aries on March 20. This can be an exciting moment for some of your manifestations. Whether you want to find a partner, start a new career, or go back to school, you’re gaining the attention and recognition you deserve. This can also be a period where you decide to go after a raise or promotion or make changes to your overall life direction and focus.
There are some changes in your close relationships under the last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22. You could have an important conversation with a lover, friend, family member, or business partner. Whatever decisions you make can help you get back on track, discuss your future, or even give you the courage to walk away from commitments that no longer feel healthy for you–whether that’s personal or professional.

You could receive a new contract or opportunity, Leo, when the sun and North Node, both in Pisces, link up on March 17. This can spell changes for your finances, too. Maybe you finally pay off a credit card or take on a new role or project. Emotionally, this is a powerful day for making peace with your shadow side and exploring themes of trust and vulnerability in your close relationships.
The possibilities feel endless when the sun moves into Aries on March 20. New important conversations begin and your mind is also full of ideas. You’re also craving more adventure and novelty in your life, which can lead to new inspiration. You’re in the mood to travel, learn new things, and take risks, so put yourself out there! You might also spend more time educating yourself about the world around you and use your voice to make a difference.
You’re making changes to your everyday routine under the last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22. You might also switch up some of your habits or let go of a responsibility or commitment that’s overstayed its welcome. This energy can also help you set boundaries and have tough conversations that you’ve avoided in the past.

Fated relationships enter your world, Virgo, when the sun and North Node, both in Pisces, team up on March 17. Connections you make today or people you encounter can feel karmic! For some, they may decide to take the next step in a relationship–whether it’s signing a business contract or getting engaged. Others could be ready to walk away from commitments that leave them feeling stagnant or underappreciated.
Your finances are your focus once the sun enters Aries on March 20. You could be focused on getting paperwork in order, like paying taxes, applying for your passport, or paying down some debt. This can also bring new opportunities into your life, too. Emotionally, you’re confronting some of your fears and insecurities and can make major progress on healing, forgiving, and accepting old versions of yourself.
You’re opening your heart up and embracing your vulnerable side under the last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22. You might venture into some more emotional territory with someone new you’re dating. This can also help you make changes to a plan regarding a creative project you’re working on. You’re more aware of how precious and fleeting your time is and want to spend it wisely.

You’re ready to change your ways, Libra, when the sun and North Node, both in Pisces, link up on March 17. This can help you change habits and restructure your day to set yourself up for success. You’re learning to listen to your body, set boundaries, and protect your peace in the process. You might also begin a major commitment that requires daily effort or changes up your schedule in a big way, but you know it will pay off down the road.
Relationships are on your mind once the sun moves into Aries on March 20. Singles could meet someone significant if they’re looking for a committed partnership, and couples are craving more one-on-one time together. This can also be an exciting time for collaboration, as others are eager to work with you, bringing contracts and opportunities your way.
Changes at home are underway, thanks to the last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22. This energy can stir up drama with family members but also help you speak your truth and release the past. You’re also more aware of patterns that run in your family line and are eager to break cycles. You could make an important personal decision like introducing a lover to your family or moving in with someone special, too.

You could meet a new lover, Scorpio, when the sun and North Node team up in Pisces on March 17. You might also make a decision to put yourself back out there in the dating world, and this can bring karmic and fated people into your life. This energy can also fill you with creative inspiration or an idea that you feel passionate about pursuing. You might also encounter a little extra luck today, so put yourself out there and make the most of it!
Your daily schedule just got a little busier once the sun enters Aries on March 20. You might feel like you’re juggling a million responsibilities in both your personal and professional lives. While it may feel overwhelming, it can ultimately help you set boundaries and ask for help. You might also gain more attention at work or receive recognition for a job well done.
You’re setting boundaries under the last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22. Conversations can feel a little uncomfortable but are necessary. You might also need to make a change to your daily routine to free up some of your time. There could also be a situation outside of your control that comes up today and requires your attention. Go with the flow, if possible!

You’re making a serious decision in your personal life, Sagittarius, when the sun and North Node, both in Pisces, sync up on March 17. You could learn news regarding your living situation, a family member, or even your job. Spending time reflecting on your past can also help you access new insight and guidance on your current situation. This is a great day to do a deep clean of your home to clear out your energetic space.
You’re putting your fun and passions first once the sun moves into Aries on March 20. You might decide to sign up for a hobby or class that you really enjoy or maybe you’re ready to re-enter the dating world! This can also be an exciting time for experimenting with your sexuality and reflecting on your relationship with pleasure. You might also feel like you’re in the right place at the right time and experience a boost of luck. This is a great time to put yourself and your work out there–people are paying attention!
You’re making changes to your finances under the last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22. This is an aligned time to make a budget or pull up your budget and go through your monthly expenses. You might also make a purchase or invest in a personal project that you’re excited about.

Conversations feel fated, Capricorn, when the sun and North Node, both in Pisces, team up on March 17. You’re ready to speak from your heart or make decisions that alter your life path. This can be an exciting day to work on a writing project or make a decision to go back to school. You might also experience a shift in your mindset.
You’re craving more time with your loved ones once the sun enters Aries on March 20. This can be a busy time to catch up with family or just spend more time at home with roommates. You’d also rather stay in and stay home instead of going out and socializing. You might also feel more nostalgic or sentimental and find yourself reflecting on the past.
It’s time to put yourself first under the last quarter moon, which is in your sign, on March 22. Maybe you’re realizing that a specific goal or dream you had no longer feels meaningful or pressing. This could also bring changes to your relationships with family or your living situation. Decisions you make today and news you learn encourage you to center your needs and desires.

You’re making an important financial decision, Aquarius, when the sun and North Node, both in Pisces, meet up on March 17. You could learn news about your job or financial situation that feels fated. You might go after a job or stand up for your worth in a big way. You’re also receiving recognition for your unique gifts and talents. Soak up the spotlight–you deserve it!
Hanging with your friends is how you want to spend your free time once the sun moves into Aries on March 20. The next few weeks put you in a social mood and can even help you develop deeper friendships with acquaintances in your life. You’re also more curious than normal and could decide to sign up for a class or book some travel.
You’re ready to take an idea from your imagination and bring it to life under the last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22. This is helpful energy for melding your intuition and your logical mind. You could also learn a secret today, shift your mindset, or simply feel more exhausted than normal. Slow down and listen to your body!

You’re the main character, Pisces, when the sun and North Node, both in your sign, link up on March 17. This is karmic and fated energy that helps you reconnect to the most authentic version of yourself. You’re ready to put yourself first, set goals that feel meaningful, and take up space! You could also meet people who feel fated or make personal decisions that alter your life path in big ways.
Finances are your main focus once the sun enters Aries on March 20. This could coincide with you applying for jobs, accepting a raise or promotion, or even working on a financial plan. You might also be the recipient of thoughtful gifts or maybe you are showering your loved ones with presents. You could also make an important purchase that brings more ease and comfort to your life.
You’re reflecting on who you spend your time with under the last quarter moon in Capricorn on March 22. You might experience some changes in your friendships or recognize where connections feel one-sided. This can also encourage you to share some of your values more openly with communities you’re part of and take on a more active role in activism work or making a difference in your community. You might also switch up plans you have for one of your long-term dreams, too.
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