Annie Armstrong Miyao
Annie Armstrong Miyao is a psychotherapist, writer, and mother of three. She lives in Los Angeles with her family, where she maintains a private practice offering a practical, compassionate approach rooted in Depth Psychology. She also works with companies providing programs to support employees’ well-being. She writes about her life, motherhood, and insight gained from her clinical experience. Her writing appears in Well+Good, Vogue, Goop, and Nourished Journal.
5 Signs You’re Getting Terrible Advice—Even From Someone You Love
How do you know who the right person is to help you make choices? Here are signs of bad advice that might signal you to get a second opinion.

I’m a Marriage Therapist, and These Are My 5 Green Flags for Getting Back With an Ex
According to a marriage therapist, there are five green flags for getting back with an ex and into a healthy relationship. Learn them here.