Amy Odell
Amy Odell is a journalist and author living in New York. She is the former editor of Cosmopolitan.com, which became one of the most popular and award-winning sites for millennial women during her tenure. She is passionate about mentoring people starting off in their careers. She is from Austin, Texas.
My office is reopening but I don’t feel safe about going back—what should I do?
As states reopen, so will some offices. But what if you're scared to go back to work? Career expert Amy Odell advises on talking about this with your boss.

How can I focus on work at home—and motivate my team to do the same—while this global crisis swirls?
With everything going on in the world, you may be wondering how to focus on work at home while managing a team of people. Career expert Amy Odell advises.

There aren’t any women in leadership positions at my company—so how can I climb the ladder?
You want to climb the career ladder, but you don't see women in leadership roles at work. Here's what Amy Odell suggests in this edition of Good@Work.

I’m 6 months into a new job and I *hate* it—can I quit?
Career expert Amy Odell answers the question: How soon can I leave my new job? The general rule is to stick it out a year—but is it necessary?

I’m ready for a promotion—how can I convince my boss?
Unfortunately, promotions aren't just handed out to hardworking employees. Follow these tips for asking for a promtion and you'll be one step closer.