Carla Sosenko
Carla’s writing has appeared in Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Refinery29, and other publications, including Entertainment Weekly (where she was executive editor) and Time Out New York (where she was editor-in-chief). Her memoir, Such a Pretty Face: Good Lessons From Bad Moments in an Unconventional Body, will be published by Dial Press in 2024.
Medical Bigotry Is Harming Fat People
Patients shouldn't have to choose between enduring weight-shaming and avoiding the doctor. Here's a look at the state of medical weight bias.

You’re not imagining it—quarantine is definitely messing with your periods
Dealing with a funky quarantine cycle and wondering, "can stress affect your period?" We asked hormone experts and OB/GYNs to explain why.

Elizabeth Warren won’t be our next president, but we still desperately need a woman in office
Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the 2020 presidential race but, that doesn't change a big truth: Here's why we need a woman president now more than ever.

In defense of cancel culture, complications and all
Cancel culture is complicated and fraught with hypocricies—but it's necessary for many reasons, namely to uphold any semblance of goodness in the world.

How one media executive overcame imposter syndrome by repurposing a swear jar
"Us Weekly" editor-in-chief Carla Sosenko shares how a repurposed swear jar has helped with overcoming imposter syndrome, personally and professionally.