D'Annette Stephens
D’Annette Stephens is the owner of D.Termined Fitness, LLC, bringing extensive experience in sport-specific strength and conditioning for athletes and general wellness. With a mission to educate the masses on the scientific principles of personal health and wellness, D’Annette has made significant contributions to the fitness community. She currently serves on two boards of directors in the fitness space and has certifications as a personal trainer, strength coach, performance enhancement specialist, and nutrition coach.
6 Compound Bodyweight Exercises That Leave No Muscle Behind
These compound exercises leave no muscle behind. Here's how you can get a true full-body workout, sans equipment.

Want to Strengthen and Loosen Your Hips All at Once? These 5 Resistance Band Exercises Will Do the Trick
Doing hip exercises with bands strengthen your muscles, increase your mobility, and reduce tightness. Here's exactly how to do them.