Frances Phillips
Frances Phillips is a registered nutritional therapist, specializing in skin and beauty related issues. Having spent over a decade working as a model while also struggling with her own skin problems, she now offers private nutrition consultations and is a freelance health and natural beauty writer. Frances now resides in London, where her practice is based.
A Beauty Nutritionist Gives Her Top Foods for Healthy Hair
Get a complete rundown of the nine biggest foods for healthy hair, from former model and beauty nutritionist Frances Phillips.
7 breakfast ideas that will give you a beauty boost
Beauty nutritionist Frances Phillips shares her go-to breakfasts, all full of nutrients that benefit hair, skin, and nails.
A model-turned beauty nutritionist shares her top 5 skin nutrients
Beauty nutritionist Frances Phillips gives her top recommendations for what to eat for glowing skin.
These are the top 5 complaints a beauty nutritionist hears—and how she solves them
Francis Phillips, a certified beauty nutritionist shares the top problems clients come to her with—and how she solves them.