Jaime Brockway
Scuba diving in the Caribbean gave me the meditative experience I didn’t sign up for
When one took up scuba diving in costa rica and honduras, she got a gift she didn't expect: A new meditative, centering hobby perfect for introverts.

Meet the El Salvador region where you can chase all the waterfalls and artisanal coffee
Ruta de las Flores is a region of El Salvador with a whole bunch to fill your schedule. If chasing waterfalls and artisanal coffee is your speed, head here.

How to travel with your best friend…and not hate each other by the end of the trip
To make sure vacation with friends is smooth and wonderful, use these tips so travel with your bestie doesn't end up compromising your relationship.

7 tips to maintain your travel mind-set at home, so real life feels like a vacation
It's possible to maintain your travel mindset after you get home, making real life feel closer to a vacation. Here, real people who've done it share tips.

How to eat your way through Mexico City—the vegetarian way
Headed to Mexico City and want to try delicious local eats without compromising your veggie preferences? Here are vegetarian Mexican food tips to follow.