Jessica Furseth
Jessica Furseth is a London-based journalist who writes about culture, food and places. Follow her work every month on The New Leaf.
Struggling To Fall Asleep? Watching a Video About Space Could Help You Drift Right Off Into the Dreamy Ether
Learn why some people like to use esoteric videos about space and science to calm a racing mind and fall asleep more easily.

I Felt Like My Back Was Out To Get Me. But To Fix My Back Pain, I Had To Become Friends With My Body
After aching for years, this writer learned that what to do with back pain is to listen to what her body is actually craving.

As a Norwegian, I’ve Always Taken the Benefits of Fresh Air for Granted. But There’s Science To Back Up Our Country’s Love of ‘Friluftsliv’
Learn what a Norwegian discovers when she researches fresh air benefits through a scientific lens, talking to experts.