Josey Murray
Josey Murray is a freelance writer focused on inclusive wellness, happiness, mental health, and well-being. Her work appears in mindbodygreen, Women’s Health, Cook & Culture, and more. A graduate of Wellesley College, where she studied English and Creative Writing, and recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Master of Applied Positive Psychology program, she is passionate about using storytelling to advance the conversation on how to help not just individuals flourish but the collective. She seeks to write with warmth and empathy to help readers find self-compassion and true wellness that’s sustainable for body, mind, and planet.
Ever Wondered Why You and Your Friends Have the Same Mannerisms? That’s the Chameleon Effect at Work
Explore how and why we engage in the "chameleon effect," a social psychology phenomenon describing our unconscious mirroring of others.

You Might Think You’re Giving Great Advice, but Are You Really Just Projecting Your Own Issues?
Giving helpful advice can be tricky. Here, learn what it means when someone is projecting and how to ensure that you're not guilty of it.