Kate Hull
Kate Hull, a Texas native, moved to the Tetons in 2012. She is the co-publisher and editor in chief of Teton Valley Magazine. Her work has appeared in including Texas Monthly, Texas Highways, Women’s Health, Well + Good, Austin Monthly, Mountain Outlaw Magazine and more. When not writing, Kate can be found tending to her flock of chickens or exploring her surrounding mountain home via her snowboard, gravel bike, or paddleboard—depending on the season, that is.
A Water Bottle Purse Is One of Oprah’s Favorite Things—And It Could Help Boost Your Hikes and Walks
By allowing you to walk hands-free the WanderFull HydroBag can lead to better, more balanced walks and hikes. Learn more, here.

Boost the Cardio and Strength-Building Benefits of Walking by Trying the ‘Rucking’ Trend
Learn about the fitness benefits of rucking, and how to get started if you want to try this trend that takes walking up a notch.

I Traded Tampons for Menstrual Cups for 3 Months, and I Am Sold—Here’s What They’re Actually Like To Use
Learn what it's like to use the best menstrual cups—long-lasting protection and peace of mind, no tampons necessary.

Boost Posture, Mobility, and Balance in Just 14 Minutes With This Resistance Band Workout for Seniors
Learn how to do resistance band exercises for seniors in this 14-minute video focused on improving posture, mobility and balance.

Standing for Several Hours Certainly Feels Like a Workout… But Is It?
We asked an exercise pro: Is standing a workout? Hear her answer and discover tips for beating fatigue when you're on your feet a lot.