Kimberly Snyder
Kimberly Snyder is a three-time New York Times bestselling author, spiritual and meditation teacher, international speaker, nutritionist, certified yoga instructor, and holistic wellness expert. She has authored six books, including Radical Beauty, which she co-authored with Deepak Chopra. She is also the founder of Solluna, a holistic lifestyle brand, and the host of the top-rated Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder. Kimberly has worked with dozens of top celebrities to feel their best, including Drew Barrymore, Reese Witherspoon and Channing Tatum, and has been featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal. She lives in Los Angeles and Hawaii with her husband and children.
7 Steps To Get Clear on What You Want To Achieve and How You Want To Feel This Year
Meditation teacher Kimberly Snyder shares simple tips for learning how to connect with your purpose and listen to your intuition this year.

7 Ways To Cultivate More Compassion and Harmony in All Your Relationships This Year
Holistic wellness expert Kimberly Snyder shares simple tips for learning how to practice more compassion and find harmony in relationships.

7 Physically Calming Things You Can Do To Soothe a Stressed-Out Mind
Stress can manifest in the body, and there are physical ways to relieve it. Wellness expert Kimberly Snyder shares practices for doing so.

Start the Year Grounded With 7 Self-Care Practices Designed To Help You Feel More Present
Holistic wellness expert Kimberly Snyder shares a weeklong plan with simple tips for learning how to feel more present in your mind and body.

Break the Cycle of Perfectionism With These 3 Radical Self-Acceptance Practices
Perfectionism is a mindset that can compromise mental and physical help. Here, learn strategies for how to practice self-acceptance instead.