Kathryn Watson
Kathryn Watson is a freelance health and lifestyle reporter whose reporting and essays have been featured in SELF, Allure, Healthline, and many more. She is particularly interested in exploring healthcare from the patient's perspective. A NYC ex-pat, she now resides in New York's lower Hudson Valley. Find more of Kathryn's writing on her website, kathrynswatson.com
1 in 10 Postpartum People Develop High Blood Pressure After the Standard 6-Week Check-Up, According to a Study
Postpartum hypertension often occurs after six weeks postpartum, according to a new study, particularly in people of color.

‘I’m a Pediatrician, and Here’s How I’m Keeping My Kids As Healthy as Possible During This Cold and Flu Season’
You may not be able to entirely prevent cold and flu in kids this season, but there are some tips and tricks to try, per a pediatrician.

Want To Teach Your Kids Emotional Resilience? A Conscious Parenting Expert Says To Model That Behavior Yourself
Conscious parenting tips for emotional resilience center around managing your own emotions. A therapist explains how to do it.

‘I’m a Psychologist, and Here Are My 5 Tips to Help You Actually Feel Rejuvenated After a Holiday Break’
It's not a given that you'll feel rested after a holiday break. A psychologist breaks down five tips to actually feel rejuvenated.

It’s Time To Normalize Asking Friends and Family if They’re Sick Before Hanging Out
If hanging out while sick gives you pause, we've got expert tips on how to talk through this with friends and family respectfully.