Lizzy Briskin
I Tested the Top Pancake Recipes on the Internet Side-By-Side, and I Have *Thoughts*
What happened when I tried cooking the four most popular pancake recipes on the internet, including the best pancake recipe of them all.

5 Weightlifting Exercises for Beginners To Ease Into a New Routine
Get tips from trainers on how to perform a handful of weightlifting exercises for beginners that’ll help you build a solid foundation.

The Best Varieties of Apples for Cooking, Baking, and Snacking, According to a Chef
Learn from a chef about the best apples for cooking, baking, and eating, plus her top tips for buying apples and keeping them fresh.

I’m a Trained Chef, and These Are the 10 Best Spices To Add to Coffee
A trained chef shares her top picks for the best spices to add to coffee. She her list and the health benefits they offer.

This Is Easiest Way To Check if Your Coffee Maker Desperately Needs To Be Cleaned
Here's how to clean a coffee maker—plus how often you should clean your coffee machine—according to a coffee expert and barista.