Nicole Schnitzler
Nicole Schnitzler is a freelance writer who covers travel, food, drink, lifestyle, and culture.
Approaching Another Christmas Without My Mom’s Presents, I Clung to My Dad’s Presence
Before Christmas, my father and I decided to hold a holiday reading meet-up to discuss a favorite of ours: O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi.”

What Comes After the Process of Grief?
Author Hope Edelman says it's time to retire the old model of grief, explaining that grief isn't a five-stage process and that's okay.

How a Pandemic Revealed the Complexities of My ‘Chosen Family’
After a great loss at a young age, I assmbled a 'chosen family' to fill a void. In front of me now, mid-pandemic, was my family.

How Improv Boosts Confidence and Communication for People With Autism
Every new experience fires neurons in your brain that did not fire together before. For people with autism, improv presents an opportunity to socialize.

An Ode to the Free Sample, the Best Part of Grocery Shopping
When COVID-19 came, it was quick to take much with it—and the free sample tables at grocery stores and wine shops have been far from spared.