Sara Angle
How to unpack from a guilt trip so baggage doesn’t weigh you down at all times
Though people feel guilt differently and to different degrees, pretty much all of us do feel it. Learn how to deal with guilt so it doesn't weigh you down.

Learn your adult attachment style to improve every relationship in your life
Learn about the four adult attachment styles here: secure, anxious, fearful avoidant, and dismissive avoidant, to improve every relationship in your life.

Experts debate whether ultimatums are an effective relationship tool—even if they “work”
Are ultimatums in relationships the best way to get the desired result from someone? Here, experts discuss the effects that can happen when you go this way.

How to deal with ambiguous loss—the grief you feel when closure isn’t an option
Ambiguous loss asks sufferers to live with grief without any goal of finding closure. Here are 5 tips for building the resilience required to live with it.

Finally, a science-backed reason to feel great about only having sex on the weekends
Finally, a scientific reason to do it just once a week: A hormone expert says the answer for when to have sex is mid-afternoon (i.e., weekends are best).