
Varuna Srinivasan, MBBS, MPH

Varuna Srinivasan, MBBS, MPH, FRSPH, is a public health researcher, gender justice advocate, and published writer. They also serve as a co-chair of the Women’s Mental Health Conference at Yale and as an expert review board member at Varuna works as a sexual heath consultant at Tara Health Media in New York City, where her work has been recognized by Serena Williams for efforts in the advancement of sexual health in the South Asian community. Her published work has been featured in various media outlets such as Vogue, Business Insider, The Washington Post, and Health.Previously, Varuna worked as a medical docotor in Central India in a maternal and child health clinc. They obtained their medical degree at Sri Ramaswamy Memorial University in India and their public health degree at Johns Hopkins University. Their past experiences include working for Doctors without Borders, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins University on projects funded by USAID and World Vision. They live in New York City.