Aimee Daramus
Chicago-based psychotherapist
The Easiest Habit To Adopt To Improve Your Worst Days? Thinking Kind Thoughts About Others
The next time you're having a bad day, inject positivity by internally complimenting strangers. A psych says it works—and so does a writer who tried it.

How to Identify (and Handle) Your Emotional Triggers Before They Cause Real Harm
Navigating the world of identifying, communicating and handling emotional triggers is tricky. Psychologists offer their best tips.

99 Things To Do After a Breakup That Are Actually Healthy and Healing, According to a Long List of Wellness Experts
Can't figure out what to do after a breakup left you reeling? Discover what experts from across the wellness world suggest in this list.

The Case for *Not* Cutting Your Narcissistic Best Friend Out of Your Life
My relationship with my narcissistic friend is tough, but constant. Here, psychologists advise how to handle being friends with a narcissist.

Are You an Enabler? Here’s How To Tell and—More Importantly—6 Tips To Stop
It's not easy to know how to stop enabling, but here, therapists offer six tips for helping without enabling someone to stay in self-destructive patterns.