Amanda Lemein
registered dietitian
Why Walking After Eating Might Be the Best Time To Get Your Steps In
Tempting as it is to lie down after a big meal, learn why experts recommend walking after eating might be the better choice.

Once and for All, How Long Should You Wait To Work Out After Eating?
A sports medicine doctor and nutritionist answer the all-too-common question: How long before a workout should you eat?

New Study Shows That Eating Omega-3s Is Directly Linked to a Longer Lifespan—These Are the Top 5 Food Sources
A new study finds that consuming omega-3 foods is linked to longevity. See a list of the five best food sources to get this nutrient.

A Definitive Roundup of the 6 Most Delicious, Nutrient-Rich Vegan Mac-and-Cheeses, According to RDs
Two registered dietitians compare the most popular vegan mac-and-cheese brands and reveal their hands down absolute favorite.

The Smartest Tips We Learned About Eating for Brain Health in 2021
These are the top brain health eating tips we learned in 2021 that we are taking into the new year and beyond to keep our minds sharp.