Amanda Sauceda
registered dietitian and gut health expert
Try This RD-Approved Trick To Get More Anti-Inflammatory Benefits From Every Clove of Garlic
A registered dietitian and gut health expert gives a garlic cooking tip, which she says makes its health benefits more potent.

8 Healthy High-Protein Vegetarian Chili Recipes To Make This Winter
These vegetarian chili recipes get a meaty texture from plant-based ingredients like tofu, mushrooms, and walnuts. Here are the best ones to try.

Leeks Are So Full of Gut-Friendly Fiber, They Can Actually Lower Your Cholesterol—Here Are 8 Easy Ways To Cook Them Up
A registered dietitian talks about leeks nutrition and why they are great for digestive health. Plus 8 leek recipes to try at home.

Everything We Learned About Peeing and Pooping This Year—for a More Regular 2022
Urologists and gastroenterologists share some of their best peeing and pooping rules so you can make the most of your time in the bathroom.

Starting Your Day With This Anti-Inflammatory Coconut Chicory Latte Is a Power Move for Your Gut Microbiome
Here's how to make a delicious chicory latte recipe that fights inflammatory and boosts your gut health, according to a dietitian.