Ambi Kavanagh
Reiki practitioner, astrologer, and author of Chakras &amp
7 Ways To Get Rid of Negative Energy, According to the Chakra System
Give yourself a high-vibe reset by learning how to get rid of negative energy attached to you with spiritually aligned tips.

How To Open Your Third Eye With 15 Tips From Experts
Learn how to open your third eye with help from the experts. These simple meditation, visualization, and mindfulness practices can activate the energy center.

8 Stretches To Open Your Heart Chakra During This Stressful Time
This yoga-inspired stretch series uses eight poses to keep your heart chakra open in order to combat stress and muscle soreness.

What It Means if You Have a Rare but Dramatic Grand Cross in Your Natal Chart
Have a Cardinal Cross, Fixed Cross, or Mutable Cross on your chart? An astrologer shares what a Grand Cross in astrology is.

Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus, How to Tell if They’re Blocked
If you want to achieve divine balance, it helps to know what chakras are, how to know if they're blocked, and equalize them.