Amir Marashi
a New York City-based OB/GYN and founder and CEO or Cerē
This Doctor-Founded Sex-Toy Brand Uses a ‘Clitogram’ (aka Clitoral Ultrasound) To Engineer the Most Effective Pleasure Tools
The doctors behind sex-toy brand Cerē used a clitoral ultrasound called a "Clitogram" to analyze clitoral blood flow during arousal.

Cramping After Sex? Here’s What Your Body’s Trying to Tell You
Discover the common causes of cramping after sex, along with the best treatment and prevention options recommended by an OB/GYN.

10 Reasons You Have Stomach Pain After Sex if You Have a Vagina—and How to Relieve It
Discover reasons why you have stomach pain after sex if you're female, when to see a doctor about this pain, and how to relieve it quickly.

‘I’m an OB/GYN, and Here Are 10 Reasons Why Your Uterus Might Hurt After Sex’
Learn the top 10 reasons why your uterus hurts after sex, the best treatment options, and how to prevent post-sex pain in the future.