Anthony Crouchelli
a personal trainer and founder of More than Miles
‘Grasshopper Push-Ups’ Target Hard-to-Hit Obliques (and TBH, Just About Every Other Muscle)
Want to turn your standard arms-and-abs move into a full-body workout? Try the grasshopper push-up, which targets every muscle in your body.

Hate Burpees? These Low-Impact ‘3-Legged Dog Walks’ Are the Full-Body Move You’ve Been Looking For
Amp up your usual 3-legged dog exercise by adding some cardio. The result? A move that will work your arms and abs as well as a burpee.

5 Beginner Workout Mistakes a Trainer Is Begging You To Stop Making
Getting started on a new fitness routine? Congratulations! Just watch out for these beginner workout mistakes.

2 Elements That Every Workout Should Have Once You Hit 60
A trainer explains why the best workout for women in their 60s needs to have these two movement-enhancing elements.

Trainers Share Their Top Under-10-Minute Workouts for Better Posture
Trainers share their favorite 10-minute posture workouts from every modality, including strength training, HIIT, and Pilates.