Dean Sherzai
neurologist and co-director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University
Neuroscientists Unpack How Running (Even a Little) Benefits Your Brain Leaps and Bounds
Two neurologist explain what running does to your brain, from boosting your memory to improving your mood to honing your focus.

Multitasking Is Just ‘Doing Multiple Things Badly,’ Says Neuroscientist
According to neuroscientist Dean Sherzai, MD, PhD, multitasking is a myth. We can't actually do more than one thing at once, at least not very well.

Why Doctors Say Protecting Your Heart Health Is Crucial for Preventing Dementia
Brain experts explain the heart-brain connection and how protecting against stroke is the best way to protect against dementia.

Every Single Ingredient in This Vegan Quesadilla Is Good for Your Brain
Neurologists and Alzheimer's prevention experts Ayesha and Dean Sherzai share a vegan quesadilla recipe that's good for your brain.

‘I’m a Neuroscientist, and This Is How To Reboot Your Brain After a Year of Chronic Stress’
Neuroscientists explain how to reboot your brain in seven steps after a year of chronic stress due to the pandemic.