Deborah Vinall
doctor of psychology, licensed marriage and family therapist, certified EMDR practitioner, and the author of Gaslighting: A Step-by-Step Recovery Guide and Trauma Recovery Workbook for Teens
There Are 2 Types of Envy—Benign and Malicious—But Both Can Affect Your Friendships
Not all envy is created equal. Here are the differences between benign and malicious envy, plus which type spells trouble for friendships.

5 Signs *Your* Behavior Is Passive-Aggressive—And How To Better Communicate Your Feelings
Spotting passive-aggressive behavior isn't always easy. Here's how to recognize and deal with passive aggression in your relationships.

Can’t Stop Worrying About, Well, Everything? Therapists Recommend Using a ‘Worry Tree’ To Move On
Explore the benefits of using a worry tree diagram to sort your worries into specific buckets and create a plan for letting them go.