Drew Ramsey
psychiatrist and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University
7 Ways To Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally
An integrative psychiatrist gives tips on how to increase serotonin, without taking any prescription drugs. Try out these tips to boost your mood.

A Nutritional Psychiatrist Says This Underrated Green Is a Natural Mood Booster
A nutritional psychiatrist swears by eating mesclun for a better mood—and you can whip up this five-ingredient salad to reap the benefits, stat.

The Venn Diagram of Wellness and COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Has a Dangerous Amount of Overlap—Here’s Why
The venn diagram of wellness and COVID-19 conspiracy theories has a dangerous amount of overlap—here’s why, and why it's so scary.

These Chocolate ‘Brain Truffles’ Improve Mood and Cognitive Function
Psychiatrist and "Eat to Beat Depression and Anxiety" author Drew Ramsy, MD, shares his chocolate brain truffles recipe.

Everything in This Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie Is Good For Your Brain
Psychiatrist Drew Ramsey, MD, shares his chocolate peanut butter smoothie recipe, crafted to lower depression and boost cognitive function.