Faye Begeti
neuroscientist and author of The Phone Fix
8 Simple, Brain-Healthy Habits To Work Into Your Quarantine Routine ASAP
A neurologist shares 8 ways to look after your brain health during COVID-19, all of which can easily be worked into your day.

Feeling Brain Fog? Meet the Science-Approved, $0, All-Natural Solution: Hiking
The mental health benefits of hiking span from increasing your creativity to reducing stress—all of which can help clear brain fog.

How to Structure Your Work Day When You Feel Mentally Drained (According to a Neurologist)
A neurologist tells us how to structure the work day when you're mentally drained. Here is how she handles this situation at her own job.

How To Stay Mentally Sharp As You Age, According to a Psychiatrist and a Neurologist
A psychiatrist and a neurologist give tips on how to stay mentally sharp by harnessing the power of food and lifestyle habits.

‘I’m a Neurologist, and This Is How Declining Eye Health Impacts Your Brain’
Neurologists describe the eye-brain connection, or how vision loss affects brain health, and offer solutions to avoid the issue.