Frances Largeman-Roth
registered dietitian and author of Smoothies &amp
The Surprising Lessons I Learned From Eating Like a French Person for a Week
Is the French diet healthy? Registered dietititans weigh in. Plus, one writer eats the French way for a week and had a surprising result.

Use Your Frozen Pineapple To Make This Gut-Friendly Dietitian-Approved Smoothie Bowl
Registered dietitian Frances Largeman-Roth shares a pineapple smoothie bowl recipe that's full of digestive-supporting ingredients.

There’s Way More to Cacao Than Chocolate: These Brands Use the *Whole* Fruit in Delicious Ways
Cacao fruit uses go beyond just the beans. See how brands are using the pulp, juice, and shell in sustainable and delicious new ways.

5 Benefits of Watercress, One of the Most Nutrient-Dense Leafy Greens
Watercress is filled with vitamins and minerals. But, you don't need to go eating it by the handful to reap watercress benefits.

4 Ways Your Body Is Telling You That You’re Not Eating Enough Fiber (Because You Probably Aren’t)
Here, low fiber diet signs and symptoms from your body and how to tell you're not getting enough fiber, straight from registered dietitians.