Francisco Diez-Gonzalez
Director and Professor of in the Department of Food Science &amp
Okay, Really: How Gross Is It To Not Wash Produce Before Eating It?
A food science professor explains why washing produce before eating it is necessary and shares the best ways to ensure it’s clean.

3 Reasons Why You Should Rewash That Pre-Washed Bag of Lettuce, According to Food Scientists
Here are three reasons why you should wash pre-washed lettuce before eating, according to two food scientists.

7 Foods Most Likely To Cause Food Poisoning, According to a Food Scientist
Food scientists share the top foods they consider are most likely to cause food poisoning and ways to prevent it from happening.

Expiration Dates Tend To Be Loose Recommendations, but These Are the Foods You Shouldn’t Keep Past Due
Discover the foods you shouldn’t keep past due, and a food safety expert explains the true meaning of expiration dates.